[bestbits] Fw: [perpass] Some personal thoughts on the impact of pervasive monitoring

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Sat Oct 19 22:13:44 EDT 2013

Here is another IMO very important draft. It's short and well worth
reading regardless of whether your personal professional background
is from the technical side or not.


Beginn der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

Datum: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:21:31 -0700
Von: Ted Hardie <ted.ietf at gmail.com>
An: perpass at ietf.org
Betreff: [perpass] Some personal thoughts on the impact of pervasive

Like most folks involved in this list, I have a personal response to the
current situation and some thoughts on how it will impact my or our
work in the future.  Since I expect we will pretty short of mic time in
Vancouver for thoughts like these, I decided to write them out.


is the result.  It's quite short but a quick summary is this:

Pervasive monitoring induces self-censoring which harms the Internet and
its users.  At the scale of the modern Internet, that means it harms

We can and should change our approach to Internet engineering and system
design to deal with this.  There will be costs for that, but we should
pay them.

It helps me, personally, to focus on a single user when asking whether a
system or protocol is appropriate in the current environment.  The draft
lays out why.


Ted Hardie

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