[bestbits] NEW - English Version of Brazilian Marco Civil Bill

Eduardo Bertoni ebertoni at alumni.gwu.edu
Fri Nov 22 10:35:19 EST 2013

Dear colleagues,

Following my email sent last week, FYI I just found a very Important piece
from Andrew Puddeph on the current discussion of the Marco Civil in Brazil
@ http://t.co/QUMJtq4HRS




On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Eduardo Bertoni <ebertoni at alumni.gwu.edu>wrote:

> Thanks a lot Carolina. This is extremely helpful to understand the
> domestic process in Brazil.
> I have a question to you and my fellow brazilian colleagues. You said in
> your email that the new version received great support from the Brazilian
> civil society. Does this support include the support of the new art. 11, 12
> and 13?
> I would like to receive the reactions/comments from other people in the
> network. Maybe I am missing something but those articles includes
> provisions that form me, first, are not very realistic from an
> implementation perspective, and second, if this idea is supported in
> Brazil, I don´t know how we will oppose the same idea for other countries
> that could use the provisions to go against local civil society groups.
> I copied below the articles mentioned above:
>   Art. 11. Any process of collection, storage, custody and treatment of
> records, personal data or communications by connection providers and
> Internet applications providers, in which at least one of these acts occurs
> in the national territory, shall respect Brazilian law, the rights to
> Privacy, and the confidentiality of personal data, of private
> communications and records.
> § 1 The provisions aforementioned apply to data collected in the national
> territory and the content of communications, in which at least one of the
> terminals is located in Brazil.
> § 2 The provisions aforementioned apply even if the activities are carried
> out by legal entity located abroad, provided that at least one member of
> the same economic group owns property/is established in Brazil.
> § 3 The connection providers and Internet applications provider shall
> provide, in the form of regulations, information that allow the
> verification regarding compliance with Brazilian legislation regarding the
> collection, custody, storage and processing of data, as well as how the
> provider respects the privacy and secrecy of communications.
> § 4 Decree shall regulate the procedure for finding violations of the
> provisions of this article.
> Article 12. The Executive Branch, through Decree, may force connection
> providers and Internet applications providers provided for in art. 11, who
> exercise their activities in an organized, professional and economic way,
> to install or use structures for storage, management and dissemination of
> data in the country, considering the size of the providers, its sales in
> Brazil and breadth of the service offering to the Brazilian public.
> Article 13. Without prejudice to other civil, criminal or administrative
> penalties, violations of the rules laid down in Articles 10, 11 and 12
> shall be subject, as appropriate, the following sanctions, applied
> individually or cumulatively:
> I - warning, indicating the deadline for corrective action;
> II - a fine of up to ten percent of the gross revenues of the economic
> group in Brazil in its last financial year, excluding taxes;
> III - Temporary suspension of activities involving the acts specified in
> Clauses 11 and 12, or
> IV - the prohibition of the exercise of activities that involve the acts
> referred to in Articles 11 and 12.
> Single paragraph. In the case of a foreign company, its subsidiary,
> branch, office or establishment in the country will be jointly and
> severally liable for payment of the penalties aforementioned.
>   I look forward to hearing from you.
> Best
> e
> Eduardo
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Carolina Rossini <
> carolina.rossini at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> *** sorry for cross-posting ***
>> during the past few days I used some hours translating the new version of
>>  the Marco Civil made public last week.
>> This version has receive great support of the Brazilian civil society and
>> has also gather great (but not yet enough) support from legislators.
>> Please, find it attached. The first column was the initial public text,
>> the second one IS THE NEW OFFICIAL version and the third one its
>> translation. The text in yellow are some of the core changes...however,
>> they do not mirror what was deleted.
>> Best,
>> C
>> --
>> *Carolina Rossini*
>> *Project Director, Latin America Resource Center*
>> Open Technology Institute
>> *New America Foundation*
>> //
>> http://carolinarossini.net/
>> + 1 6176979389
>> *carolina.rossini at gmail.com*
>> skype: carolrossini
>> @carolinarossini
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