[bestbits] Notes from Meeting with the Brazilian Delegation at the IGF, October 22, 2013

Deborah Brown deborah at accessnow.org
Fri Nov 1 12:45:56 EDT 2013

Dear all,

Please find below a brief write up from the meeting between the Brazilian
delegation at the IGF and many members of international civil society.
Please excuse the delay in sending these notes out. The meeting was
conducted mostly in Portuguese so it was necessary to compare notes, which
was complicated by travel schedules.

For others who attended the meeting, please feel to add/correct anything

Kind regards,

Notes from Meeting with the Brazilian Delegation at the IGF, October 22,

Leading the meeting from the Brazilian delegation: *Paulo Bernardo
Silva *(Minister
of Communications), *Virgilio Almeida* (Secretary for Information
Technology Policy for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation),
and *Benedicto Fonseca Filho* (Director of the Department of Scientific and
Technological Themes Ministry of External Relations). Other members of the
Brazilian delegation and the CGI.br participated in the meeting as well.

For a list of attendees from civil society please see:

[Note this list represents individuals who signed up to attend the meeting,
not necessarily who was in the room.]

*Proposals from civil society* [as delivered by Marilia Maciel, FGV-CTS]


   An open the process for consultation prior to the summit

   Inclusion of civil society during the summit and in the decision-making

   Inclusion of civil society in the steering committee with
   representatives of its own choosing

*Opening remarks by Minister Paulo Bernardo Silva*


   It was not Brazil’s idea to hold a summit, we were approached by Fadi to
   have the summit and working out ways to hold it.

   We don’t have much time to hold consultations, it’s next year, and it’s
   not to be promoted by the Brazilian government or by ICANN.

   It’s a great idea to have a public consultations but it’s a legitimacy
   problem because Brazil is not running it and ICANN isn’t running it. We
   also don’t know what other countries think

   We could give this task to CGI.br. This is an idea.

   As part of the consultation you [civil society] could give us concrete
   proposals. This is the type of group we want to be speaking with.

*Other points from Brazilian delegation* [primarily Virgilio and


   This event is not meant to compete with the IGF. It is a one-time
   meeting for input from all stakeholders with concrete suggestions.

   The intention is to respect all existing processes, the High Level WSIS
   meeting in Sharm el Sheikh, the CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation,
   etc. Those are processes Brazil has been involved in and doesn’t want to
   compete with. In particular the Brazil Summit should not be seen as giving
   less importance to the IGF. The outcome from WSIS High Level meeting and
   WGEC will have a very significant impact the summit.

   At this point, the summit has two very clear purposes/themes:

      To follow up on Dilma’s UN speech, which called for an international
      civil framework by working around principles she mentioned.

      Engaging the in the exercise to internationalize ICANN (according to
      the Montevideo statement). Brazil cherishes multistakeholder nature of
      ICANN, but it lacks internationality.

      Other things may come up, but at least those two themes are there.

   ICANN is only a small part of the topics Brazil wants to discuss at the
   summit. The topics covered by ICANN are not related to the motivations that
   brought this summit. It will not  limited to topics related to ICANN. They
   are one of the participants, agenda is much broader than that.

   Brazil thinks it should pursue a different organization of this
   conference, as compared to the Seoul meeting, wants a broad process for
   constructing the agenda. They said they feel they should also focus on
   outcomes from the beginning, and not leave that to the summit itself.
   Consulting on outcomes should also be an inclusive process.

   More information from Brazil will be made available on November 11.

The following people were identified as civil society liaisons with the
Brazilian government for the planning for the summit: Joana Varon (FGV/CTS)
Carolina Rossini (NAF), Laura Tresca (Article 19), and Carlos Afonso

Deborah Brown
Senior Policy Analyst
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