[bestbits] full title of BR conference

Louis Pouzin (well) pouzin at well.com
Sat Nov 16 11:19:36 EST 2013

In American English (Webster) the word global carries a connotation of
totality, homogeneity, along with unification, centralization and hegemony
(e.g. internet). In other words *global does not include subsidiarity and
diversity*. No wonder it is used ad nauseum in PR blah..

World(wide) is more appropriate, as there is no hint of homogeneity, only
of geographical presence.

- - -

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have confirmation that the full title of the BR event will be:
>  Global Multistakeholder Conference On the Future of Internet Governance
> ConferĂȘncia Multissetorial Global Sobre o Futuro da Governança da Internet
> Much better! ;)
> ------------
> C. A. Afonso
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