[bestbits] Re: [governance] Brazil, WSIS 10+ and ITU

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Sat Dec 28 08:24:26 EST 2013

On Saturday 28 December 2013 06:18 PM, William Drake wrote:


> Yes a push would be needed, but then CS would have to be able to 
> collaborate with other stakeholders, the suggestion of which is of 
> course ideological, and a reflection of your false consciousness

Well, depending on ones socio-economic location the consciousness may 
indeed be true :)

> and co-optation by hegemonic power structures.

Sitting cosily with big business reps (like the 5 recently proposed by 
BCCI for 1Net ) to oppose global public policy making can indeed be 
constructed as co-optation by hegemonic power structures. Surprising 
that having promoted development agenda in IG for years you fail to 
catch the basis of such very widespread, often even the dominant, 
perception in global civil society outside of the IG kinds.

As for WSIS plus 10, I welcome WSIS plus 10 process on the lines WSIS 
was held. Almost everything good that has happened in global IG in the 
last 10 years can some way or the other be traced to the WSIS - that 
inter-governmental process with exemplary stakeholder participation.

Best, parminder

> Cheers
> Bill

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