[bestbits] Fwd: APPLICATION - Call for nominations, planning committees for IG meeting in Brazil April 23 and 24

Carolina Rossini carolina.rossini at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 13:20:16 EST 2013

Hi all,

just to let you know I have submitted my name as a candidate through Diplo.

I hope you also considerate it.

Best and happy happy Xmas!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carolina Rossini <carolina.rossini at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 11:59 AM
Subject: APPLICATION - Call for nominations, planning committees for IG
meeting in Brazil April 23 and 24
To: igcbp-talk <igcbp-talk at googlegroups.com>, Jeremy Malcolm <
jeremy at ciroap.org>, Joana Varon <joana at varonferraz.com>, Laura Tresca <
laura at article19.org>, "Carlos A. Afonso" <ca at cafonso.ca>

Dear Ginger and Diplo friends,

Here my statement of interest for* Committee No. 1:  Multistakeholder
High­Level Committee (HLC)*:

I’m a hard worker and enjoy environments where large tasks are being
undertaken, even if within a short period of time. I have a track record of
successful coalitions and I have built trust within the years by being
transparent, a team player and supportive when needed. I am an experienced
presenter and spokesperson, speaking regularly at international
conferences, on a great diversity of topics. I also put conferences
together, from small events, such as the EFF Digital Camps Rights in New
Zealand, to a 300+ person Creative Commons iSummit.I have managing the
international aspect of organizations I have worked for at least the past 7
years. I also have a track record of developing strategic plans, a
necessary skill to have as a member of the *Multistakeholder High­Level
Committee (HLC), *which is responsible for setting the high ­level
political tone and objectives of the Brazil conference.  Committee members
will engage on a global level with stakeholders to encourage participation
in the conference and maximize its chances of success. I am fluent in
English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I have lived in Spain, England, and the
United States in addition to my roots in Sao Paulo and my years in Rio de
Janeiro. Additionally, many of the projects, agreements and partnerships
negotiations I led were with clients or partners from a diversity of
regions and backgrounds. As a result, I am comfortable in settings from the
negotiating table to the podium in many languages and many cultures, and
can bring that to bear as a civil society representative.

 And here my bio:

Currently, I am the Project Director for the Latin America Resource Center
at the Internet Governance and Human Rights program at the New America
Foundation’s OTI.  My focus is to support civil society – through capacity
building, expertise support, research, and more – to flourish and have
impact, in a timely manner, on the most pressing internet governance and
access to knowledge issues in Latin America and beyond. I believe in the
power of civil society to protect and foster the public interest. I am also
a fellow at SPARC/ARL <http://www.sparc.arl.org/> devising strategy to
foster open access and open science in Latin America.

I work, for the past 13 years, in intellectual property and internet law
and governance, with experience in international negotiations and Latin
America advocacy and policy, with special emphasis in Brazil. I have
experience in both traditional transactions in software, content, and
internet business as well as more innovative commons-based approaches.

I am a seasoned strategic planner and project manager with a strong track
record in fundraising, hiring, management, capacity building and execution.
I am fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I have been a member of
the Brazilian Bar Association for more than 12 years and have passed the
Multistate Professional Responsibility Ethics exam in the US.

I am a board member of the Open Knowledge Foundation -
an mentor to the IDRC R4OER  <http://roer4d.tumblr.com/>(Research for Open
Educational Resources Network), a past board member the Brazilian Internet
Institute <http://www.ibdi.org.br/site/>, a past member of the IP Global
Agenda Council for the World Economic
a past fellow and author of Diplo Foundation <http://www.diplomacy.edu/>’s
courses, and the founder of OER-Brazil, <http://rea.net.br/site/> which
works with policymakers to enact open access and open educational resource
polices in Brazil and beyond and with educational institutions to develop
open education strategies and projects.

Before relocating to Washington DC, my third city in the USA, I was leaving
in San Francisco, where I was the Director for International Intellectual
Property at Electronic Frontier Foundation <http://eff.org>, I also worked
for the Wikimedia Foundation <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home>,
leading the Brazil Catalyst Project and shaping strategies to increase
community engagement and foundation presence in Brazil. Previously I was a
Fellow at the Berkman Center at Harvard
University<http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/> coordinating
the Industrial Cooperation
 for  Prof. Yochai Benkler <http://www.benkler.org/>.

I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and love my country. That is why I cannot stop
working and collaborating, and giving tons of pro-bono hours for Brazilian
institutions developing amazing work on increasing access to
ICTs, knowledge and education. I have a on-going collaboration with
the Research
Group for Public Policies for Access to Information
(GPOPAI-USP)<http://www.gpopai.usp.br/> on
open access, open data, tech transfer and open innovation strategies at the
University of Sao Paulo, for example. I also provide advice for
organizations and universities that want to expand open access initiatives,
including clearing of rights and open licensing through Creative Commons
(one of my passions).

In Brazil, I was a lecturer in Law at FGV Law School, a project lead
for CTS<http://direitorio.fgv.br/cts/>
 and part of Creative Commons Brazil <http://creativecommons.org.br/>,
hosted by CTS. Before that, during my first six years out of law school I
was an in-house transactional telecom and internet policy lawyer for
Terra <http://www.terra.com.br/portal/>Networks,
the ISP of Telefonica <http://www.telefonica.com/en/home/jsp/home.jsp>,
where I led drafting and negotiations of contracts focused on e-commerce,
internet ads, content licensing for Internet and Mobile, international
backbones, data centers, among others. I was also part of their regulatory
working group on telecom and internet, and lead a diversity of internal
training initiatives.

I have an LLM in Intellectual Property from Boston
University<http://www.bu.edu/law/> (USA),
an MBA from Instituto de Empresas <http://www.ie.edu/> (Spain) awarded by
Telefonica and Carolina Foundation  <http://www.fundacioncarolina.es/>of
Spain, a Masters’ Degree in International Negotiations from
UNESCP-UNICAMP<http://www.unesp.br/santiagodantassp/> (Brazil)
and a Bachelors degree in Law (JD) from University of Sao

On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Carolina, I will be happy to submit your nomination to the group
> for consideration. Please email me the bio and statement as you want them
> presented.
> I hope others will follow your example! Obrigada. Ginger
> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
> IG Programmes, DiploFoundation
> *The latest from Diplo...* *Upcoming online courses in Internet
> governance: Master in Contemporary Diplomacy with Internet Governance
> specialisation, Critical Internet Resources and Infrastructure, ICT Policy
> and Strategic Planning, and Privacy and Personal Data Protection. Read more
> and apply at http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses
> <http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses>*
> On 22 December 2013 18:03, Carolina <carolina.rossini at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would like to put my name forward.
>> My bio at carolinarossini.net and I will send my statement of interest
>> soon.
>> In any case, I do believe I can do a great job representing civil society
>> for committee 1. I have track record of building successful coalitions and
>> mediating stakeholder groups. I have occupied many senior positions and I
>> am able to keep and foster dialogue among diversity of stakeholder, playing
>> a negotiator and mediator role.
>> I would be honored to represent civil society in this task.
>> Best,
>> Carolina Rossini
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 22, 2013, at 6:53 PM, Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is a call for nominations to represent civil society on planning
>> committees in preparations for the “Global Multistakeholder Meeting on
>> Internet Governance”, to be held in Sao Paulo Brazil on April 23 and 24
>> 2014. It is important that CS take an active role in planning for this
>> meeting. We need informed, energetic people who will report back to us, and
>> help us understand the process, as well as give substantial input to the
>> planning process.
>> *• Committee No. 1:  Multistakeholder High­Level Committee (HLC)*
>> This committee will set the high ­level political tone and objectives of
>> the
>> conference.  Committee members will engage on a global level with
>> stakeholders to
>> encourage participation in the conference and maximize its chances of
>> success.
>> This committee will include 4 civil society representatives.
>> • *Committee No. 3:  Multistakeholder Executive Committee (EC)*
>> This committee owns the full responsibility of organizing the event,
>> including: defining
>> conference purpose/agenda, managing invitations, organizing input
>> received into a coherent set of proposals for the conferees to address,
>> managing conference proceedings and process, and directing all
>> communications activities pre/­during/­post conference. This committee will
>> include 2 civil society representatives
>> The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is *midnight UTC* 6* January
>> 2014*.
>> If you are interested, you are invited to send a brief biography and a
>> statement of relevant background and experience to v <jeremy at ciroap.org>
>> irginiap at diplomacy.edu (Ginger) or by replying to this thread. At the
>> closing date for nominations, those submitted to various civil society
>> networks will be compiled and assessed by the Civil Society Co ordination
>> Group.
>> Please indicate clearly at the beginning of your application whether it
>> is for the High Level Committee (HLC) or Executive Committee (EC) or both.
>> The following factors (among others) will be used to assess the
>> suitability of candidates
>> 1.      Able to represent civil society as a whole, not just your
>> individual civil society organisation(s)
>> 2.      Able to work collegiately with other stakeholder groups in a
>> multistakeholder setting
>> 3.      Able to consult widely with civil society groups and to report
>> back as the process progresses
>> 4.      Ability to represent civil society at a senior level in these
>> discussions
>> 5.      Broad knowledge of internet governance issues and the range of
>> civil society perspectives on these issues
>> 6.      Capacity to participate assertively and creatively
>> *Explanation of process*
>> The civil society coordinating group is a loose peak body that came
>> together this year to facilitate joint civil society participation in
>> several nominating processes.  It currently comprises persons from the most
>> active civil society coalitions or networks in the Internet governance
>> space, which in no particular order are the Internet Governance Caucus,
>> Diplo Foundation, Best Bits, the Non Commercial Stakeholder Group of ICANN,
>> and the Association for Progressive Communications.  The current liaisons
>> are Virginia Paque (Ginger), Jeremy Malcolm, Robin Gross and Chat Garcia
>> Ramilo, with Ian Peter as an independent facilitator.  Its current
>> composition is imperfect - the boundary between an organisation and network
>> is grey, and so is the scope of "Internet governance".  In particular, we
>> are reaching out to other civil society networks to further broaden the
>> inclusiveness of the group and have developed a draft set of criteria to
>> assist in this process.
>> Likewise, the process for gathering and reaching consensus is also a work
>> in progress, but progressive improvements to the process have been put in
>> place since the group's first nomination.  These improvements include
>> refinement of criteria for each member network to consider when putting
>> forward names for consideration.  Other suggested changes to the process,
>> such as the use of a randomly-selected nominating committee, have not met
>> with consensual support from within the group and so have not been adopted
>> for this nomination.  However, the coordinating group welcomes other
>> suggestions for improvement of the joint process.
>> Think about it! This is an important challenge and opportunity.
>> If you have any questions, please here, or email me.
>> Best wishes for the holidays,
>> Ginger
>> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
>> IG Programmes, DiploFoundation
>> *The latest from Diplo...* *Upcoming online courses in Internet
>> governance: Master in Contemporary Diplomacy with Internet Governance
>> specialisation, Critical Internet Resources and Infrastructure, ICT Policy
>> and Strategic Planning, and Privacy and Personal Data Protection. Read more
>> and apply at http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses
>> <http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses>*
>>   --
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*Carolina Rossini*
*Project Director, Latin America Resource Center*
Open Technology Institute
*New America Foundation*
+ 1 6176979389
*carolina.rossini at gmail.com*
skype: carolrossini

*Carolina Rossini*
*Project Director, Latin America Resource Center*
Open Technology Institute
*New America Foundation*
+ 1 6176979389
*carolina.rossini at gmail.com*
skype: carolrossini

*Carolina Rossini*
*Project Director, Latin America Resource Center*
Open Technology Institute
*New America Foundation*
+ 1 6176979389
*carolina.rossini at gmail.com*
skype: carolrossini
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