[bestbits] Call to Best Bits participants for nominations to Brazil meeting committees

Guru गुरु Guru at ITforChange.net
Mon Dec 23 09:54:20 EST 2013

On 12/23/2013 07:52 PM, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
> Hi Avri, I couldn't agree more. Plus, there are so many 
> underrepresented views in this space 


I strongly agree with you that there are so many under represented views 
in this space.
(Basically that the current 'CS' mostly represents a very small section 
of interests.)

> that I wonder if this really makes a solid selection criteria.

However I could not understand this logic -  since there are many views 
under represented let us ignore them? That would only reinforce existing 
hegemonies (which are very strong in the IG space).

On the contrary, I would think the basic legitimacy / unique aspect for 
CS participation is to ensure inclusion of marginalised / under 
represented groups.


> jeanette

> Am 23.12.13 15:15, schrieb Avri Doria:
>> Hi,
>> I think that this of course makes sense as a criteria, but i caution us
>> against allowing a single view, a theoretically specific view, to
>> stand-in for the diversity that is the  Civil  Society viewpoint.  Many
>> time I think the reference to 'under-represented' view is synonymous
>> with 'the view I and a few friends have that no one else agrees with'.
>> I.e. when picking representatives, we need to pick people who are also
>> not so extreme in the singularity of their view that they cancel out the
>> views of others who also minority viewpoints.  Even people with minority
>> views need to take a big-tent view if they are to represent the
>> diversity of CS view adequately and need to be the sort of people who
>> can be expected to work with their fellow CS representatives, and not at
>> cross-purposes.
>> avri
>> On 23-Dec-13 07:22, Ginger Paque wrote:
>>> Thanks all, I agree, and will support the addition of this 
>>> criterion. gp
>>> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
>>> IG Programmes, DiploFoundation

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