[governance] [bestbits] HLLM in LOndon - CS reps

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Tue Dec 10 05:35:09 EST 2013

Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:

> The distinction between Bill's appointment as an expert and the CS
> groups' nomination of people to be on the committee is not so clear
> to me, and we cannot assume that it is clear to Fadi, especially
> since the London meeting of the group starts in two days. Either one
> could be seen as Fadi making a concession to CS demands to be
> included in the HLLM, and he may consider one to be a substitute for
> the other.  At this stage, I would assume that if there is no
> appointment of another CS rep to the HL Panel by now, that there will
> not be one at all, and Bill is all we will be given. The fact that
> Bill's appointment came from a random F2F hallway meeting isn't
> something that inspires confidence, is it?


Especially given that there was in fact a coordinated civil society
process through which names have been put forward.


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