[bestbits] Call for comments/signatures: Draft Statement on Rejection of Proposal to Open CWG- Internet

Joana Varon joana at varonferraz.com
Wed Aug 14 02:28:36 EDT 2013

Thanks Anriette,  I think you have a point and, if the others agree, I'm ok
with removing the mentioned paragraph.

We will live it open for comments for a few more days (until Monday) and
then post it at BB for further endorsements as always. I'll let you know
when it's on.

But, if any of you want to endorse through this thread, I'm ok as well.
Thanks Anne, you shall receive an email to confirm your endorsement once
the letter is posted at the platform.



On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 3:14 AM, Anne Jellema <anne at webfoundation.org>wrote:

> Happy to add Web Foundation to the list of signatories.
> Thanks
> Anne
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org>wrote:
>>  Dear Joana and all
>> I like this and am pretty sure APC will support, but I will run it by
>> members and staff.
>> I am not entirely sure this last paragraph is necessary. I think to some
>> extent it detracts from the main message in the letter which is about
>> opening the CWG.
>> "We also take this opportunity to renew our call for the ITU to continue
>> to coordinate its efforts with that of relevant *multistakeholder*Internet governance bodies, taking advantage of those bodies’ expertise and
>> not attempting to duplicate their functions. These bodies include those
>> devoted to technical issues (such as ICANN, the IETF and the RIRs) and
>> those dealing primarily with non-technical issues (such as the Internet
>> Governance Forum)."
>> Anriette
>> On 12/08/2013 17:12, Joana Varon wrote:
>> Dear people,
>> As you may know, the ITU Council has rejected proposals to open
>> participation in the Council Working Group on International
>> Internet-Related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet).
>> That happened in disregard of our previous
>> request<http://bestbits.net/cwg-internet/> <http://bestbits.net/cwg-internet/>,
>> of contributions from some Member States<http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S13-CL-C-0084!!MSW-E.pdf> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S13-CL-C-0084!!MSW-E.pdf><http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S13-CL-C-0069!!MSW-E.pdf> <http://files.wcitleaks.org/public/S13-CL-C-0069!!MSW-E.pdf>
>> and
>> of a statement from the Secretary General at the closing session of WTPF,
>> where we called for adopting an IEG model of participation within other
>> meetings of the organization.
>> The CWG-Internet is a particularly relevant WG, as the Brazilian proposal
>> on the role of States shall be discussed. Also a very important topic in a
>> context where "Snowden conjecture" seams to be causing reactions for a
>> State centric internet governance (at least that's my perception).
>> Therefore, Deborah, Matthew, Gene, Carolina and I have drafted a response
>> to submit to ITU. Please, find it bellow, just like the link for the
>> editable pad:
>> https://pad.riseup.net/p/CWG-Internet
>> Your comments are more then welcome. *The plan is to leave it open until
>> next Monday, 19th.* Hope you find it useful.
>> All the best
>> Joana
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> anriette esterhuysen anriette at apc.org
>> executive director, association for progressive communicationswww.apc.org
>> po box 29755, melville 2109
>> south africa
>> tel/fax +27 11 726 1692
> --
> Anne Jellema
> Chief Executive Officer
> Cape Town, RSA
> mob +27 61 036 9652
> tel +27 21 788 4585
> Skype anne.jellema
> @afjellema
> World Wide Web Foundation | 1889 F Street NW, Washington DC, 20006, USA |
> www.webfoundation.org | Twitter: @webfoundation



Joana Varon Ferraz
Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS-FGV) <http://direitorio.fgv.br/cts/>
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