AW: Paul Budde blog on WCIT

Farooq Ahmed Jam farooq at
Tue Oct 30 11:30:31 EDT 2012

      This statement shows that WCIT and ITU is very transparent but 
the  fact remains there as _*No consumer representation at all*_. No 
invitation has been sent by ITU to _GLOBAL CONSUMER REPRESENTATIVE 
BODY_.  So as per my understanding transparency and representation are 
the major issues with ITU and WCIT.  The integration of efforts by CSO's 
for this transparency and representation is also on the agenda of Best 
Bits.   So this statement should not distract us from our targeted 



    On 10/30/2012 7:49 PM, William Drake wrote:
> Hi
> On Oct 30, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Kleinwächter, Wolfgang wrote:
>> Hi Bill
>> can you be more specific?
> Some quotes from the piece
> /In relation to the American situation, it is believed that after the 
> American election there will be room for a more moderate stand on the 
> issues, and that would help to form the basis for good outcomes at the 
> WCIT./
> /Indeed the ITU is making itself more transparent and the whole debate 
> about the ITRs is a good example that this seems to work. Also each 
> member state (government) can bring its own delegation to the ITU and 
> to WCIT, and can participate. So the broader internet community can 
> lobby their government to include representatives from them in these 
> delegations./
> /
> /
> /The Secretary-General most certainly reached out to everybody, and he 
> wants to see WCIT representing all the stakeholders involved/


*Farooq Ahmed Jam
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