ITU Action Steps (Tactical)

Deborah Brown deborah at
Fri Nov 9 12:58:31 EST 2012

Hi everyone, It seems like this readout from our tactical breakout session
at Best Bits might be helpful to others working in this space. Does anyone
object to sharing the readout with others as appropriate in discussions on
advocacy around WCIT?

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 4:06 AM, Brett Solomon <brett at> wrote:

> Best Bits Civil Society meeting in Baku (November 3-4)
> ****
> * *
> Below you will find the key strategic and tactical initiatives that were
> discussed at the breakout session. The document is separated into three
> sections: between now and WCIT; during WCIT; and post WCIT. This is not a
> consensus document, rather a collation of ideas /strategies that were
> proposed by individuals at the session. All are invited to be involved in
> any of the actions below
> *1. Between now and WCIT*
> *a. Issue: Lack of civil society membership on delegations*
> It’s important for civil society to be present at WCIT even if we can’t be
> on the floor, to craft statements, convene breakfast meetings, suggest
> draft language, be a resource to government reps and keep them in line
> *Actions:*
>    - Identify countries that are amenable to civil society membership
>    - Find funding for civil society delegates to attend WCIT (we know
>    that Global Partners, Internews, and Mozilla all have funding for this)
>    - Prepare briefing materials for delegates to help them identify
>    key/likely issues and potential approaches to draft language/responses
>    - Consider attending as unaffiliated civil society if we can’t get on
>    a delegation (it is useful to have a critical mass of unaffiliated civil
>    society in Dubai)
> *Who has civil society on their delegation (that we know about)?:* UK,
> Sweden, US, Germany, Bangladesh, Canada, Australia
> *Who could be open to having civil society participation on their
> delegation:* Argentina, Uruguay, Kenya, Colombia, Brazil, Finland,
> Norway, Netherlands, India, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, New Zealand,
> Senegal
> *b. Issue: Influencing national positions prior to WCIT*
> National positions are not yet set - there is still opportunity to
> influence how countries will vote.
> *Actions*:
>    - Continue to request opportunities to participate in national
>    consultations
>    - Place opinion pieces in national publications to influence/represent
>    public opinion
>    - Use FFTF/Access video to spread awareness and create noise. It will
>    be found at
>    - Push govts on open up to civil society and press
> *
> *
> *c. Issue: Using the IGF to influence the 90 governments in attendance**
> **Actions:*
>    - All civil society at IGF should be using the opportunity to push
>    member states present to keep IG out of the ITRs
>    - Ask questions at every panels, approach informally etc, hand over
>    materials, this will also help to ensure that this gets mentioned in the
>    IGF outcome doc
> * *
> *2. During WCIT*
> **
> *a. Issue: Coordination among civil society during WCIT*
> Create a community of empowered civil society advocates at WCIT; and
> coordinate with non-affiliated CS; note that those on delegations are
> limited in their capacity to act and this will need to be respected
> *Actions:*
>    - Create a Skype group or some other means for delegates to chat
>    informally to check in on policy developments with folks back home and
>    coordinate amongst civil society in Dubai
>    - Develop ideal treaty language been drafted basically on what we want
>    to see included / not included
>    - Ensure that civil society that are there all know each other in
>    advance and can coordinate
>    - Reach out to technical community who will be in the room and
>    coordinate during the WCIT (eg ISOC, LACNIC, APNIC,)
>    - Coordinate among civ soc that are affiliated with delegates and
>    those that are unaffiliated
>    - Identify potential unaffiliated delegates (whose participation will
>    be voted on on Day 1). It is worthwhile for independent civil society to go
>    even if they can’t get on a del - this role is needed. Potential
>    unaffiliated delegates:
>       US/UK - Matthew Shears (confirmed?)
> Africa - Mawaki Chango?; Jimson Olufuye?
> Asia-Pacific - Pranesh
> Latin America/ Caribbean – Brazil? (Marilia Maciel)
> Russia/RCC
> Europe
> Arab States
> *b. Issue: Reporting to outside world what is going on in the WCIT**
> *Create communications mechanisms to ensure that those outside of the
> WCIT are kept in touch and able to mobilize.
> Actions:
>  ·       Encourage member states to vote to open sessions to the public
> and to live stream on UN WebTV.
> ·       Create a media kit and collate the media contacts prior to the
> event. Identify foreign correspondents in the UAE or going to Dubai for
> WCIT and target them by writing to major outlets ahead of time.
> ·       Post a daily blog post/WCIT Watch reporting on the biggest
> issues/worst proposals/biggest challenges for civil society of the day
> (given the limitations on speaking to the press that people on delegations
> will face, this is a very important role for unaffiliated civil society
> will play)
> ·       Unaffiliated civil society may want to consider getting press
> accreditation (this was a useful tactic at WSIS and among other things
> allowed for greater access to some documents)
> ·       Release a civil society statement on closing of event, to help
> shape the media narrative (the lasting story will be determined within a
> few hours of the last plenary adopting the final acts)
> *c. Issue: Devil is in the detail*
> The language agreed upon will be changed during WCIT and we may need to
> have some creative actions
> ·       Should we consider a CS walkout if needed – OR even better a
> walk-in?
> ·       Find a cartoonist or infographic artist who can produce visuals
> for each day
> ·       WCIT Watch daily briefing should be printed out and put in WCIT
> café and given to press
> ·       Livetweeting and #hashtag
> ·       Mobilize the internet to create actions including a internet
> blackout style digital action
> Having a group of dedicated civil society actors in other time zones (who
> will ostensibly be more awake) to help review late night text changes.
> Based on reports at the African IGF, it sounds like there will be regional
> bloc negotiations on proposed revisions to the ITRs, and it’s possible that
> unaffiliated civil society members may be allowed into these meetings.
> Should find out which regional blocs would be amenable to this.
> *3. Post WCIT *
> **
> a. *Issue: WCIT is not the end of the line*
> WCIT is one step on the pathway; and we need to be prepared for the next
> steps including WTPF, WTSA, ITU plenipot, WSIS +10, etc.*
> ***
> ·       Messaging: We will also be at all those other meetings, so don't
> think you can kick the can down the road. Warn governments we are watching
> them.
> ·       We must educate civil society about post-WCIT challenges and
> position ourselves best in relation in these negotiations in the future and
> not prejudice ourselves in other contexts
> o   WTPF: There have been reports that the topic of the WTPF will be
> internet governance. While WTPF does not result in a treaty, but
> contributes to norm building, but it is unclear how receptive SG is to
> comment from non-Sector Members
> o   WSIS +10 evaluation in UNESCO (Feb) and ITU (2014).
> ·       Renewal of mandate of IGF is in 2015 will be a pure decision by
> UNGA – this is a big concern
> ·       Get free ITU membership AFTER WCIT (ahead of WTPF) – all groups
> should consider this
> ·       Need to clearly develop a position on - If not ITU, then who? A
> literature review of current perspectives on a positive reform agenda would
> be useful.
> --
> Brett Solomon
> Executive Director | Access
> |
> +1 917 969 6077 | skype: brettsolomon | @accessnow
> Key ID: 0x312B641A
> <>

Deborah Brown
Policy Analyst
Access |
E. deborah at
S. deborah.l.brown
T. deblebrown
PGP 0x5EB4727D
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