Invitation to Human Rights Roundtable Tomorrow, November 9th, 9-10:30

Valeria Betancourt valeriab at
Thu Nov 8 08:33:16 EST 2012

Hi again,

Anriette and Joy will be in the round table on behalf of the APC. As  
the IRP meeting clashes with the round table, I will attend the IRP  
meeting and I am happy to bring the perspectives of the IRP into Best  
Bits afterwards.


On 08/11/2012, at 4:57, Valeria Betancourt wrote:

> Dear all,
> We would like to invite you to participate in a human rights  
> roundtable, happening tomorrow, Friday November 9th, from 9 to 10.30  
> in room 6. The input from the round table will be brought to the  
> taking stock and the way forward main session.
> The objective of the HR roundtable is to gather comprehensive  
> feedback from the various main sessions and workshops in relation to  
> which human rights issues were addressed by the various stakeholders  
> and to use those inputs to feed the Taking Stock and the Way Forward  
> session.  It will help us to increase knowledge and understanding of  
> the human rights and the internet specific concerns and challenges  
> the various stakeholders have as well as their proposals to address  
> them
> in the framework of the internet governance debate.  It will also  
> help to increase understanding of the linkages between the HR issues  
> addressed in the various main sessions and the main IGF theme.
> Valeria
> -------------
> Valeria Betancourt
> Directora / Manager
> Programa de Políticas de Information y Comunicación / Communication  
> and Information Policy Programme
> Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones / Association for
> Progressive Communications, APC

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