update --> Re: Censorship of postcards at the IGF

Donny B.U. dbu at donnybu.com
Thu Nov 8 00:22:44 EST 2012

hi, the postcards still available only at APC booth :)
please take it while it lasts...


On Wednesday, November 7, 2012, Tapani Tarvainen wrote:

> On Nov 06 21:39, Donny B.U. (dbu at donnybu.com <javascript:;>) wrote:
> > chengethai masango from igf secretariat just met me, and he asked me
> > about the postcard incident. after I explained to him, he said that
> > what happened is misscommunication from their side. then he
> > apologized for the communication. he said that ict watch can
> > distribute those postcards again.
> I just dropped at the Indonesian booth and they indeed have
> the postcards, except the "government censorship protecting
> you from reality" one - have they ran out?
> (The person there didn't know anything, I complimented
> Indonesia for brilliant postcards...)
> --
> Tapani Tarvainen

e: dbu at donnybu.com | t: @donnybu | f: donnybu | w: donnybu.com | p:
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