<div dir="ltr"><div>Dear all, <br></div><div><br></div><div>We've received a few RSVPs for the day 0 event, which is great! Please RSVP here if you haven't already done so:
<div><a href="https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event/" target="_blank">https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event/</a></div>
</div><div><br></div><div>We will also publish the agenda on the webpage.<br></div><div><br></div><div>However, before we do, we don't have any facilitator for the break-out group on 'Sustainable Development'. This is definitely an important area but if we can't find a facilitator for the session we will unfortunately have to drop it because Bruna and I can only be in so many places at the same time :) As such, please do get in touch if you'd be interested in facilitating that session.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Best</div><div>Sheetal<br></div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 at 11:26, Sheetal Kumar <<a href="mailto:sheetal@gp-digital.org">sheetal@gp-digital.org</a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div dir="ltr"><div>Dear Veronica, all, <br></div><div><br></div><div>Thank you for volunteering to lead those sessions! I'll note that down. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Also, for all those planning to attend, we've set up this RSVP (thanks Imran)! <br></div><div><br></div><div>Please RSVP as this will greatly help with planning. The event will be held from 12:35-15:35 on day 0 (Monday) of the IGF. <br></div><div><br></div><div><a href="https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event/" target="_blank">https://igcaucus.org/rsvp-0-day-event/</a></div><div><br></div><div>Best</div><div>Sheetal.<br></div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 17:08, Veronica <<a href="mailto:veronica@apc.org" target="_blank">veronica@apc.org</a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
<div bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<font face="Arial"><br>
</font><font face="Arial">Sheetal, thanks for sharing the schedule
and for putting it together. <br>
Hi all, <br>
I am Verónica Ferrari and I recently joined the list and APC as a
Coordinator at the Global Policy Team. From APC, we will be
participating in the meeting and happy to help with the sessions
on Content Moderation and/or the multi-stakeholder
initiatives/High Panel on Digital Cooperation, if needed. </font><br>
<p><font face="Arial"><b style="font-weight:normal" id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949docs-internal-guid-34ca330d-7fff-43cb-47e7-399d0b3136b3"><span style="font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre-wrap"></span></b></font><font face="Arial"><b style="font-weight:normal" id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949docs-internal-guid-34ca330d-7fff-43cb-47e7-399d0b3136b3"><span style="font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre-wrap">Best regards. </span></b><b style="font-weight:normal" id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949docs-internal-guid-34ca330d-7fff-43cb-47e7-399d0b3136b3"><span style="font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre-wrap">
<p><font face="Arial"><b style="font-weight:normal" id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949docs-internal-guid-34ca330d-7fff-43cb-47e7-399d0b3136b3"><span style="font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre-wrap"></span></b></font><font face="Arial"><b style="font-weight:normal" id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949docs-internal-guid-34ca330d-7fff-43cb-47e7-399d0b3136b3"><span style="font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre-wrap"></span></b></font><font face="Arial"><b style="font-weight:normal" id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949docs-internal-guid-34ca330d-7fff-43cb-47e7-399d0b3136b3"><span style="font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre-wrap"></span></b></font><font face="Arial"><b style="font-weight:normal" id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949docs-internal-guid-34ca330d-7fff-43cb-47e7-399d0b3136b3"><span style="font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre-wrap">
<div>On 22/10/2019 13:45, Sheetal Kumar
<blockquote type="cite">
<div dir="ltr">
<div>Hi all, <br>
<div>Thanks for the inputs! To confirm the event is "Pre-event
43: Civil Society Coordination Meeting" and is taking place
on Monday November 25 from 12:35 to 15:35. On addressing
themes instead of initiatives, it was suggested elsewhere
that we should try and develop a response to the HLPDC
report in some way so that's why I put that down as a focus.
<div>I've adapted the schedule below to reflect the input so
far, highlighting the changes in light yellow.<br>
<div>If we could get volunteer facilitators for each session
that would be great :) - any takers? <br>
<div><font size="4">
Pre-event 43: Civil Society Coordination Meeting
<div><i>Part 1 - 30-40 mins?</i><br>
<div>- Welcome and update on IGC (Bruna and Sheetal) <br>
<div>- Expectations from the event (plenary)</div>
<div><i>Part 2 - 1-1.5 hours?</i><br>
<div>Issues (six issues)<br>
<li>Breakout led by different volunteers (e.g each group
defines the issue, problem at hand, key forums/spaces
where issues is being discussed, possible messages)<span></span><span></span>
<li><span style="background-color:rgb(255,229,153)">Multistakeholder
initiatives in IG (w/ focus on High Level Panel on
Digital Cooperation)</span><br>
<li>Sustainable Development<br>
<li><span style="background-color:rgb(255,229,153)">Content
regulation (w/ focus on Christchurch call) </span></li>
<span style="color:rgb(34,34,34);font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:small;font-style:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-align:start;text-indent:0px;text-transform:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:0px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;display:inline;float:none">Advancing
Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace (w/ focus
on 1st Committee) </span></li>
<li><span style="color:rgb(34,34,34);font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:small;font-style:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-align:start;text-indent:0px;text-transform:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:0px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;display:inline;float:none"><span style="background-color:rgb(255,229,153)">Emerging
technologies (w/ discussion of 'ethics') </span><br>
<li>Plenary: each group shares summary of break-out group
discussion <br>
<div><i>Part 3 - 45 mins?</i><br>
<div>Next steps, including IGC internal issues<br>
<div>- How do we work together/collaborate on the issues
<div>- Discussion of other issues including internal IGC which
will necessitate working together </div>
<div id="gmail-m_2021500128779669370gmail-m_-7634766139918972949gmail-:1jm"><img src="https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif"></div>
<div class="gmail_quote">
<div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Mon, 21 Oct 2019 at 19:48,
Peter Micek <<a href="mailto:peter@accessnow.org" target="_blank">peter@accessnow.org</a>> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
<div dir="ltr">Hi all,
<div>I agree with Farzaneh on combining into themes. </div>
<div> What is the goal and scope of the ethics discussion? I
note the recommendation to qualify it as 'ethical use of
data.' But I mainly hear of ethics in terms of safeguards
on AI, which would go beyond a data oriented discussion.
If this was meant to cover the discussion of fairness and
ethics in AI, might it not be better to have a 'Emerging
Technologies' section, where we could talk of the
different approaches to AI, blockchain, 5g, etc., from
ethics to data protection to human rights? </div>
<div>Just on its face, I would hate to see the civil society
agenda mainly discussing emerging technologies through a
lens of 'ethics.' </div>
<div class="gmail_quote">
<div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at
9:53 AM Arsène Tungali <<a href="mailto:arsenebaguma@gmail.com" target="_blank">arsenebaguma@gmail.com</a>>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Hi Sheetal, all,<br>
My apologies for being silent on this, so many things
going on in my<br>
world. Thanks for suggesting an outline, Sheetal, which
looks great to<br>
I want to echo and support the inputs by Frzaneh and
Judith which I<br>
think make sense.<br>
I believe our session is the following, as seen on the
agenda, right?<br>
Pre-event 43: Civil Society Coordination Meeting<br>
Monday November 25, 2019 12:35 - 15:35<br>
If that's the case, the time hasn't changed according to
what you said<br>
in your original email? Please do help clarify.<br>
2019-10-20 10:28 UTC+03:00, Remmy Nweke <<a href="mailto:governance@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance@lists.riseup.net</a>>:<br>
> Hi Sheetal<br>
> This looks good as I hope the cybercrime session will
be able to address<br>
> and accommodate issues of Stereotyping Cybercrime and
CS, particularly.<br>
> Weldone.<br>
> ____<br>
> Lead Consulting Strategist/Group Executive Editor,<br>
> DigitalSENSE Africa Media [*Multiple-award winning
> (DigitalSENSE Business News<br>
> <<a href="http://www.digitalsenseafrica.com.ng/businessnews" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.digitalsenseafrica.com.ng/businessnews</a>>;
> <<a href="http://www.itrealms.com.ng" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.itrealms.com.ng</a>>,
> <<a href="http://www.naijaagronet.com.ng" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.naijaagronet.com.ng</a>>)<br>
> Block F1, Shop 133 Moyosore Aboderin Plaza, Bolade
Junction, Oshodi-Lagos<br>
> M: 234-8033592762, 8023122558, 8051000475, T:
> <<a href="http://www.twitter.com/ITRealms" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.twitter.com/ITRealms</a>><br>
> Author: A Decade of ICT Reportage in Nigeria<br>
> <<a href="https://www.facebook.com/adecadeofictreportageinnigeria%E2%80%8E" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/adecadeofictreportageinnigeria%E2%80%8E</a>><br>
> *2020 Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum on IG4D &
Nigeria IPv6 Roundtable<br>
> <<a href="http://www.digitalsenseafrica.com.ng" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.digitalsenseafrica.com.ng</a>>*<br>
> JOIN us!!<br>
> *Vice President, African Civil Society on the
Information Society (ACSIS<br>
> <<a href="http://www.acsis-scasi.org/en/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.acsis-scasi.org/en/</a>>)<br>
> *Confidentiality Notice:* The information in this
document and attachments<br>
> are confidential and may also be privileged
information. It is intended<br>
> only for the use of the named recipient. Remmy Nweke
does not accept legal<br>
> responsibility for the contents of this e-mail. If
you are not the intended<br>
> recipient, please notify me immediately, then delete
this document and do<br>
> not disclose the contents of this document to any
other person, nor make<br>
> any copies. Violators may face court persecution.<br>
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 4:26 PM Sheetal Kumar <<a href="mailto:sheetal@gp-digital.org" target="_blank">sheetal@gp-digital.org</a>><br>
> wrote:<br>
>> Dear all,<br>
>> Please find below the suggestions so far
discussed among IGC members for<br>
>> the format of our day 0 event. I suggest for the
second part that we<br>
>> identify volunteers for each of the six issue
areas to facilitate the<br>
>> discussion.<br>
>> It would be great to get your views on the below
over the coming days:<br>
>> - What do you think of the proposed format?<br>
>> - Would you like to volunteer to facilitate any
of the issue area<br>
>> discussions in part 2?<br>
>> Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you!<br>
>> Best<br>
>> Sheetal.<br>
>> *Part 1 - 30-40 mins?*<br>
>> Welcome and update on IGC (Bruna and Sheetal)<br>
>> Expectations from the event (plenary)<br>
>> *Part 2 - 1-1.5 hours?*<br>
>> Issues (six issues)<br>
>> - Breakout led by different volunteers (e.g
each group defines the<br>
>> issue, problem at hand, key forums/spaces
where issues is being<br>
>> discussed,<br>
>> possible messages)<br>
>> - High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation<br>
>> - Cybercrime<br>
>> - Ethics<br>
>> - Sustainable Development<br>
>> - Christchurch call<br>
>> - Advancing Responsible State Behavior in
>> - Plenary: each group shares summary of
break-out group discussion<br>
>> *Part 3 - 45 mins?*<br>
>> Next steps, including IGC internal issues<br>
>> - How do we work together/collaborate on the
issues identified?<br>
>> - Discussion of other issues including internal
IGC which will<br>
>> necessitate<br>
>> working together<br>
>> On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 10:10, Michael J. Oghia
<<a href="mailto:mike.oghia@gmail.com" target="_blank">mike.oghia@gmail.com</a>><br>
>> wrote:<br>
>>> Hi everyone,<br>
>>> Nick, to clarify, I will never try to argue
*against* speaking about<br>
>>> climate change and sustainability, so if
people really want to discuss<br>
>>> that<br>
>>> then great!<br>
>>> This is a good suggestion as well. I'd be
happy to do a webinar at some<br>
>>> point (I already have the presentation and
have delivered it before).<br>
>>> Again, I won't discourage the pursuit of this
topic. Let's see what<br>
>>> others say, but know that I am flexible
(topic-wide) regardless!<br>
>>> Best,<br>
>>> -Michael<br>
>>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:03 AM Nick Shorey
<<a href="mailto:lists@nickshorey.com" target="_blank">lists@nickshorey.com</a>><br>
>>> wrote:<br>
>>>> Hi everyone,<br>
>>>> Thanks Bruna for linking me in, and I’m
excited to read all the<br>
>>>> interesting topics and activity that’s
happening here!<br>
>>>> Regarding an agenda item on
sustainability, I politely disagree with<br>
>>>> Michael and suggest that we *do* have an
agenda item on this topic, if<br>
>>>> possible within the schedule.<br>
>>>> My reason being is that it appears there
is a broad interest in this<br>
>>>> topic, but that many people are not
actually aware of all the activity<br>
>>>> that<br>
>>>> is going on, in particular the work that
IRPC has been doing. From a<br>
>>>> personal standpoint, when I looked
through the IGF schedule, it was not<br>
>>>> at<br>
>>>> all obvious that the IRPC session would
cover climate change.<br>
>>>> I’m sure I won’t be alone in this, so I
reckon a brief agenda item -<br>
>>>> maybe with Michael delivering an overview
of the work that’s been<br>
>>>> taking<br>
>>>> place and direct people where to engage -
would be an excellent way to<br>
>>>> raise awareness, build a groundswell of
interest, and compliment the<br>
>>>> work<br>
>>>> of other tracks by bringing more people
into the fold and amplifying<br>
>>>> the<br>
>>>> message.<br>
>>>> Michael maybe you could then follow this
up with a webinar or<br>
>>>> something,<br>
>>>> but I strongly believe there is real
value to a brief agenda item<br>
>>>> introducing the topic and current
activities, and doing so in person to<br>
>>>> build energy and focus, and so people can
put a face to a name and have<br>
>>>> someone they can also chat to during the
margins of the event.<br>
>>>> Kind regards,<br>
>>>> Nick<br>
>>>> Nick Shorey<br>
>>>> Phone: +44 (0) 7552 455 988<br>
>>>> Email: <a href="mailto:lists@nickshorey.com" target="_blank">lists@nickshorey.com</a> <<a href="mailto:lists@nickshorey.com" target="_blank">lists@nickshorey.com</a>><br>
>>>> Skype: nick.shorey<br>
>>>> Twitter: @nickshorey<br>
>>>> LinkedIn: <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicklinkedin" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">www.linkedin.com/in/nicklinkedin</a><br>
>>>> Web: <a href="http://www.nickshorey.com" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">www.nickshorey.com</a><br>
>>>> On 26 Sep 2019, at 16:35, Arzak Khan <<a href="mailto:director@ipop.org.pk" target="_blank">director@ipop.org.pk</a>>
>>>> Dear Peter,<br>
>>>> I would like to be involved in the
program and share my experiences.<br>
>>>> Best,<br>
>>>> Arzak<br>
>>>> Get Outlook for Android <<a href="https://aka.ms/ghei36" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://aka.ms/ghei36</a>><br>
>>>> ------------------------------<br>
>>>> *From:* <a href="mailto:governance-request@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance-request@lists.riseup.net</a>
>>>> <a href="mailto:governance-request@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance-request@lists.riseup.net</a>>
on behalf of Peter Micek <<br>
>>>> <a href="mailto:peter@accessnow.org" target="_blank">peter@accessnow.org</a>><br>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, September 26, 2019
6:27:51 PM<br>
>>>> *To:* <a href="mailto:amessinoukossi@gmail.com" target="_blank">amessinoukossi@gmail.com</a> <<a href="mailto:amessinoukossi@gmail.com" target="_blank">amessinoukossi@gmail.com</a>><br>
>>>> *Cc:* MYGMAIL <<a href="mailto:nnenna75@gmail.com" target="_blank">nnenna75@gmail.com</a>>;
Sheetal Kumar <<br>
>>>> <a href="mailto:sheetal@gp-digital.org" target="_blank">sheetal@gp-digital.org</a>>;
Michael J. Oghia <<a href="mailto:mike.oghia@gmail.com" target="_blank">mike.oghia@gmail.com</a>>;<br>
>>>> governance <<a href="mailto:governance@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance@lists.riseup.net</a>>;
Nick Shorey Lists <<br>
>>>> <a href="mailto:lists@nickshorey.com" target="_blank">lists@nickshorey.com</a>>;
Naman Aggarwal <<a href="mailto:naman@accessnow.org" target="_blank">naman@accessnow.org</a>><br>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [governance] IGF 2019
Civil society pre-event: planning<br>
>>>> and preparation<br>
>>>> Hi all,<br>
>>>> I would like to use about 5 minutes of
the Day 0 meeting to discuss<br>
>>>> digital ID programmes, and update on the
new #WhyID coalition and<br>
>>>> statement. The campaign asserts that
digital ID programs must respect<br>
>>>> good<br>
>>>> governance, data privacy, and
cybersecurity norms. These mandatory ID<br>
>>>> programmes are quickly being imposed
without a chance for civil society<br>
>>>> input, and before asking whether and why
we need them.<br>
>>>> If you'd like to get involved in the
campaign, ping Naman Aggarwal<br>
>>>> (cc'd) at Access Now.<br>
>>>> Thanks,<br>
>>>> Peter<br>
>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 10:28 PM Kossi
Amessinou <<br>
>>>> <a href="mailto:governance@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance@lists.riseup.net</a>>
>>>>> Dear all,<br>
>>>>> This charter<br>
>>>>> <<a href="https://www.entreprises.gouv.fr/files/files/directions_services/numerique/Charte-pour-un-internet-libre-et-sur.pdf" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.entreprises.gouv.fr/files/files/directions_services/numerique/Charte-pour-un-internet-libre-et-sur.pdf</a>><br>
>>>>> is important for all but we can put
also the african declaration (FR<br>
>>>>> <<a href="http://africaninternetrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/African-Declaration-French-FINAL.pdf" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://africaninternetrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/African-Declaration-French-FINAL.pdf</a>>,<br>
>>>>> EN<br>
>>>>> <<a href="http://africaninternetrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/African-Declaration-English-FINAL.pdf" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://africaninternetrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/African-Declaration-English-FINAL.pdf</a>>)<br>
>>>>> on the table.<br>
>>>>> Thank you.<br>
>>>>> Le mar. 24 sept. 2019 à 18:56, Nnenna
Nwakanma <<br>
>>>>> <a href="mailto:governance@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance@lists.riseup.net</a>>
a écrit :<br>
>>>>>> I think the UN High-Level Panel
Report on Digital Cooperation should<br>
>>>>>> be on the agenda. Not just
feedback on the report, but anticipating<br>
>>>>>> CS<br>
>>>>>> engagement going forward.<br>
>>>>>> Following the Christchurch call
a Charter<br>
>>>>>> <<a href="https://www.entreprises.gouv.fr/numerique/charte-pour-internet-libre-ouvert-et-sur" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.entreprises.gouv.fr/numerique/charte-pour-internet-libre-ouvert-et-sur</a>><br>
>>>>>> was launched. I have also copied
and posted what I think is an<br>
>>>>>> important<br>
>>>>>> Declaration of key governments.
Simply put, we need to discuss how<br>
>>>>>> we<br>
>>>>>> respond to internet governance
legislation and regulatory moves<br>
>>>>>> across the<br>
>>>>>> world.<br>
>>>>>> If all goes as planned, I will
be in Berlin<br>
>>>>>> Best<br>
>>>>>> N<br>
>>>>>> ------ Forwarded Message --------<br>
>>>>>> The following text is a joint
statement affirmed by these countries:<br>
>>>>>> Australia, Belgium, Canada,
Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark,<br>
>>>>>> Estonia,<br>
>>>>>> Finland, France, Germany,
Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Latvia,<br>
>>>>>> Lithuania, the Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Poland, the Republic<br>
>>>>>> of<br>
>>>>>> Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Spain,
Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the<br>
>>>>>> United<br>
>>>>>> States.<br>
>>>>>> Begin Text:<br>
>>>>>> Joint Statement on Advancing
Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace<br>
>>>>>> Information technology is
transforming modern life, driving<br>
>>>>>> innovation<br>
>>>>>> and productivity, facilitating
the sharing of ideas, of cultures, and<br>
>>>>>> promoting free expression. Its
benefits have brought the global<br>
>>>>>> community<br>
>>>>>> closer together than ever before
in history. Even as we recognize the<br>
>>>>>> myriad benefits that cyberspace
has brought to our citizens and strive<br>
>>>>>> to<br>
>>>>>> ensure that humanity can continue
to reap its benefits, a challenge to<br>
>>>>>> this<br>
>>>>>> vision has emerged. State and
non-state actors are using cyberspace<br>
>>>>>> increasingly as a platform for
irresponsible behavior from which to<br>
>>>>>> target<br>
>>>>>> critical infrastructure and our
citizens, undermine democracies and<br>
>>>>>> international institutions and
organizations, and undercut fair<br>
>>>>>> competition<br>
>>>>>> in our global economy by stealing
ideas when they cannot create them.<br>
>>>>>> Over the past decade, the
international community has made clear that<br>
>>>>>> the international rules-based
order should guide state behavior in<br>
>>>>>> cyberspace. UN member states have
increasingly coalesced around an<br>
>>>>>> evolving<br>
>>>>>> framework of responsible state
behavior in cyberspace (framework),<br>
>>>>>> which<br>
>>>>>> supports the international
rules-based order, affirms the<br>
>>>>>> applicability of<br>
>>>>>> international law to
state-on-state behavior, adherence to voluntary<br>
>>>>>> norms<br>
>>>>>> of responsible state behavior in
peacetime, and the development and<br>
>>>>>> implementation of practical
confidence building measures to help<br>
>>>>>> reduce the<br>
>>>>>> risk of conflict stemming from
cyber incidents. All members of the<br>
>>>>>> United<br>
>>>>>> Nations General Assembly have
repeatedly affirmed this framework,<br>
>>>>>> articulated in three successive
UN Groups of Governmental Experts<br>
>>>>>> reports<br>
>>>>>> in 2010, 2013, and 2015.<br>
>>>>>> We underscore our commitment to
uphold the international rules-based<br>
>>>>>> order and encourage its
adherence, implementation, and further<br>
>>>>>> development,<br>
>>>>>> including at the ongoing UN
negotiations of the Open Ended Working<br>
>>>>>> Group<br>
>>>>>> and Group of Governmental
Experts. We support targeted cybersecurity<br>
>>>>>> capacity building to ensure that
all responsible states can implement<br>
>>>>>> this<br>
>>>>>> framework and better protect
their networks from significant<br>
>>>>>> disruptive,<br>
>>>>>> destructive, or otherwise
destabilizing cyber activity. We reiterate<br>
>>>>>> that<br>
>>>>>> human rights apply and must be
respected and protected by states<br>
>>>>>> online, as<br>
>>>>>> well as offline, including when
addressing cybersecurity.<br>
>>>>>> As responsible states that uphold
the international rules-based<br>
>>>>>> order,<br>
>>>>>> we recognize our role in
safeguarding the benefits of a free, open,<br>
>>>>>> and<br>
>>>>>> secure cyberspace for future
generations. When necessary, we will<br>
>>>>>> work<br>
>>>>>> together on a voluntary basis to
hold states accountable when they<br>
>>>>>> act<br>
>>>>>> contrary to this framework,
including by taking measures that are<br>
>>>>>> transparent and consistent with
international law. There must be<br>
>>>>>> consequences for bad behavior in
>>>>>> We call on all states to support
the evolving framework and to join<br>
>>>>>> with us to ensure greater
accountability and stability in cyberspace.<br>
>>>>>> End Text<br>
>>>>>> For further information, please
contact the Office of the Coordinator<br>
>>>>>> for Cyber Issues at <a href="mailto:SCCI_Press@state.gov" target="_blank">SCCI_Press@state.gov</a>.<br>
>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 4:59 PM
Sheetal Kumar<br>
>>>>>> <<a href="mailto:sheetal@gp-digital.org" target="_blank">sheetal@gp-digital.org</a>><br>
>>>>>> wrote:<br>
>>>>>>> Dear all,<br>
>>>>>>> Thanks for these inputs!<br>
>>>>>>> So far I've got that people
are interested in discussing the<br>
>>>>>>> following topics: 1)
cybercrime 2) ethics 3) sustainability.<br>
>>>>>>> I suggest we together a small
working group who has the capacity to<br>
>>>>>>> steer the organisation of the
session in an inclusive way. If you're<br>
>>>>>>> interested in being part of
that, if you could email Bruna and I<br>
>>>>>>> we'll<br>
>>>>>>> start a dedicated thread to
support the organisation of the event.<br>
>>>>>>> The<br>
>>>>>>> smaller group will liaise
with everyone once we have some initial<br>
>>>>>>> ideas to<br>
>>>>>>> propose on how to organise
the event.<br>
>>>>>>> Hope that's ok?<br>
>>>>>>> Best<br>
>>>>>>> Sheetal<br>
>>>>>>> On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 16:22,
"Michael J. Oghia" <<br>
>>>>>>> <a href="mailto:governance@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance@lists.riseup.net</a>>
>>>>>>>> Hi Bruna, all:<br>
>>>>>>>> Thanks for looping me in.
I've been hoping for some time that more<br>
>>>>>>>> people throughout the IG
community would see the value in<br>
>>>>>>>> discussing<br>
>>>>>>>> climate change and
sustainability as it relates to our work. Indeed,<br>
>>>>>>>> many<br>
>>>>>>>> different groups and
initiatives are working on it, albeit across<br>
>>>>>>>> sectors<br>
>>>>>>>> and stakeholder groups.<br>
>>>>>>>> It's a massive problem –
and it's not just data centers, it's<br>
>>>>>>>> literally everything you
can think of as it relates to technology.<br>
>>>>>>>> While<br>
>>>>>>>> Internet governance tends
(or at least tries) to limit itself to<br>
>>>>>>>> discussions about
processes or what's *on* the Internet, the fact<br>
>>>>>>>> is there are multiple
ways that the IG community could address<br>
>>>>>>>> sustainability more
broadly (see the EuroDIG 2017 session<br>
>>>>>>>> <<a href="https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/WS_11_2017" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/WS_11_2017</a>>
I organised, for<br>
>>>>>>>> instance).<br>
>>>>>>>> At the same time, IRPC is
really spearheading this at the moment. I<br>
>>>>>>>> think it's more prudent
to join with them in support to address how<br>
>>>>>>>> climate<br>
>>>>>>>> change and sustainability
are, at the very core, human rights<br>
>>>>>>>> issues, as<br>
>>>>>>>> well as to limit
redundancy. Instead of briefing everyone on the<br>
>>>>>>>> issue, for<br>
>>>>>>>> example, I'd happily give
a webinar to anyone interested about the<br>
>>>>>>>> interconnections (but
I've also written extensively about it).<br>
>>>>>>>> My suggestion is to
support IRPC and leave the CS pre-event to<br>
>>>>>>>> strategy or another topic
that isn't covered at all by the IGF (the<br>
>>>>>>>> workshops have a rather
narrow focus this year, to put it<br>
>>>>>>>> diplomatic<br>
>>>>>>>> terms).<br>
>>>>>>>> Best,<br>
>>>>>>>> -Michael<br>
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at
3:02 PM Bruna Martins dos Santos <<br>
>>>>>>>> <a href="mailto:bruna.mrtns@gmail.com" target="_blank">bruna.mrtns@gmail.com</a>>
>>>>>>>>> Dear Sheetal,<br>
>>>>>>>>> Maybe its worth
considering a discussion on climate change and<br>
>>>>>>>>> Internet Governance
to our day zero meeting. This is something<br>
>>>>>>>>> thats been<br>
>>>>>>>>> discussed at a
different thread set at NCSG mailing list, but there<br>
>>>>>>>>> seems<br>
>>>>>>>>> to be some interest
to facilitate a discussion on these lines at<br>
>>>>>>>>> the igf<br>
>>>>>>>>> and even require some
policy outcome that would look to the<br>
>>>>>>>>> matter.<br>
>>>>>>>>> @Michael Oghia <<a href="mailto:mike.oghia@gmail.com" target="_blank">mike.oghia@gmail.com</a>> and
@Nick Shorey Lists<br>
>>>>>>>>> <<a href="mailto:lists@nickshorey.com" target="_blank">lists@nickshorey.com</a>> have
been starting this conversation at the<br>
>>>>>>>>> NSCG mailing list and
I am cc'ing them here!<br>
>>>>>>>>> Best,<br>
>>>>>>>>> Bruna<br>
>>>>>>>>> Le dim. 15 sept. 2019
à 06:38, Amali De Silva <<br>
>>>>>>>>> <a href="mailto:governance@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance@lists.riseup.net</a>>
a écrit :<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Please include
the teaching of ethics in a globally connected<br>
>>>>>>>>>> society<br>
>>>>>>>>>> … right thought
for right action is never out of fashion , right<br>
>>>>>>>>>> planning for best
action is good risk management … right attitude<br>
>>>>>>>>>> and<br>
>>>>>>>>>> compassion for
human care ….<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Amali De
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday,
September 13, 2019 08:38:41 AM PDT,<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Remmy Nweke <<a href="mailto:governance@lists.riseup.net" target="_blank">governance@lists.riseup.net</a>>
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sheetal<br>
>>>>>>>>>> This is great
>>>>>>>>>> Although not sure
of attending yet, I will like to be part of the<br>
>>>>>>>>>> planning team.<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Will like also to
see issues on "Stereotyping of Cyber Crime and<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Effects on
Developing Economies and Role of Civil Society."<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Regards<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Remmy<br>
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 13,
2019, 12:57 AM Sheetal Kumar <<br>
>>>>>>>>>> <a href="mailto:sheetal@gp-digital.org" target="_blank">sheetal@gp-digital.org</a>>
>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,<br>
>>>>>>>>>> I'm getting in
touch here about planning one of the civil society<br>
>>>>>>>>>> pre-events to the
IGF session. It's called "Civil society<br>
>>>>>>>>>> coordination<br>
>>>>>>>>>> meeting (Global
Partners Digital)" in the schedule but it is *not<br>
>>>>>>>>>> *a GPD event. I
just applied for it, that's all. It's an event<br>
>>>>>>>>>> open to all civil
society, and I would suggest that members of IGC<br>
>>>>>>>>>> should<br>
>>>>>>>>>> be actively
involved in shaping its agenda. It's been moved to<br>
>>>>>>>>>> from to<br>
>>>>>>>>>> 13.30 - 15.30 pm
following a request from the IGF Secretariat.<br>
>>>>>>>>>> When a few of us
met on the sidelines of RightsCon earlier this<br>
>>>>>>>>>> year we suggested
that the event could focus on sharing updates on<br>
>>>>>>>>>> key<br>
>>>>>>>>>> global processes
and perhaps planning for how to input into them<br>
>>>>>>>>>> e.g: the<br>
>>>>>>>>>> High Level Panel,
the UN First Committee processes on cyber and<br>
>>>>>>>>>> any others.<br>
>>>>>>>>>> And we could also
discuss any matters pertaining to the IGC.<br>
>>>>>>>>>> As such, I would
be grateful if you could share your views on the<br>
>>>>>>>>>> following<br>
>>>>>>>>>> - What topics
and/or forums should we discuss at the civil<br>
>>>>>>>>>> society<br>
>>>>>>>>>> pre-event?<br>
>>>>>>>>>> - Would you like
to discuss any topics related to IGC<br>
>>>>>>>>>> specifically?<br>
>>>>>>>>>> - How should we
discuss these topics (presentations, or just open<br>
>>>>>>>>>> discussions)
bearing in mind we have only 2 hours?<br>
>>>>>>>>>> - What outcome
would you like to see from the pre-event?<br>
>>>>>>>>>> - Would you like
to be involved in planning the event (this will<br>
>>>>>>>>>> require a
dedication of a few hours over the next two months, I<br>
>>>>>>>>>> can't say<br>
>>>>>>>>>> how much)<br>
>>>>>>>>>> It would also be
great if you could let me know if you're<br>
>>>>>>>>>> planning<br>
>>>>>>>>>> to be there. I
know this is dependent on funding for many of us<br>
>>>>>>>>>> but if you<br>
>>>>>>>>>> can give an
indication that would be great.<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward
to hearing from you!<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Best<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Sheetal<br>
>>>>>>>>>> --<br>
>>>>>>>>>> *Sheetal Kumar*<br>
>>>>>>>>>> Programme Lead |
>>>>>>>>>> Second Home,
68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL<br>
>>>>>>>>>> T: +44 (0)20 3
818 3258| M: +44 (0)7739569514 |<br>
>>>>>>>>>> PGP ID:
E592EFBBEAB1CF31 | PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2<br>
>>>>>>>>>> 0603 DD7F E592
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>>>>>>>>> --<br>
>>>>>>>>> *Bruna Martins dos
Santos *<br>
>>>>>>>>> Skype ID:
>>>>>>>>> @boomartins<br>
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>>>>>>> --<br>
>>>>>>> *Sheetal Kumar*<br>
>>>>>>> Programme Lead | GLOBAL
>>>>>>> Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury
Street, London, E1 5JL<br>
>>>>>>> T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258| M:
+44 (0)7739569514 |<br>
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>>>>> --<br>
>>>>> Dr AMESSINOU Kossi<br>
>>>>> Docteur en Sciences de l'Information
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</blockquote></div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><br><div style="color:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:12.8px"><font face="verdana, sans-serif" color="#073763"><b></b></font></div><div style="color:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:12.8px"><font face="verdana, sans-serif" color="#073763"><b><br></b></font></div><div style="color:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:12.8px"><font face="verdana, sans-serif" color="#073763"><b>Sheetal Kumar</b></font></div><div style="color:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:12.8px"><font face="verdana, sans-serif" color="#073763">Programme Lead | GLOBAL PARTNERS DIGITAL</font><div><div><span style="color:rgb(102,102,102)"><font size="1" face="verdana, sans-serif">Second Home, 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, E1 5JL</font></span></div><div><span style="color:rgb(102,102,102)"><font size="1" face="verdana, sans-serif">T: +44 (0)20 3 818 3258</font><font size="1" face="verdana, sans-serif">| M: +44 (0)7739569514 | <br></font><span><span style="font-family:verdana,sans-serif"><font size="1">PGP ID: E592EFBBEAB1CF31 </font></span></span><span><span style="font-family:verdana,sans-serif"><font size="1"><span><font size="1" face="verdana, sans-serif">| </font></span>PGP Fingerprint: F5D5 114D 173B E9E2 0603 DD7F E592 EFBB EAB1 CF31</font></span></span><span><span><font size="1" face="verdana, sans-serif">| </font></span><br></span></span></div><div><span style="color:rgb(102,102,102)"><span><br></span></span></div><div><img src="https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1FZFQZRHN6TGvaFyXGd-rKCCuK7PE6Bn6&revid=0B7yoTEd9c7yidG1oOEJ0TW9jSnNUY0R5anQ3Z3RpOVNPOVNNPQ" width="420" height="151"><br></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>