<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Dear list,<br><br></div>As you may know, on January 2017 expired my role as IGC co-coordinator. This means that from now, I do not have any responsiblity or tasks to follow under such role. The current Coordinator, Arsene Tungali will very soon send a call to the list to request self-nominations for those you may wish to have the experience of this lovely and challenging task. After the closure for such call and after receiving the self-nominations along with their expression of interest to become co-coordinator of the IGC for the 2017-2019 period, a votation link will be provided to vote. <br></div><div>Besides the election process that will be run by Arsene, you will be shortly as well be informed by him, on the technical changes that will be implemented, since we have been informed that by 1st March 2017, the enterprise that worked with IGC for the past 7 years, has decided to end their business, which means that all the information related to IGC should be backed up and migrate to a new plattform, which I think and knowing how Arsene works, it would be definetively fresh and very professional.<br><br></div><div>Despite this quick report on how it will be handled this technical and administrative issues, I would love to thank all of you for your patiente, good vibes and help over this past 2 years. I have learn a lot and better understood how challenging it can be an international network where I tried my best, to enhance the values of respect, inclusion and diversity. Of course this could not have been done without the help of my two co-coordinators, Deidre and Arsene, from which I have not only learned at lot but achived a great team work. Now with Arsene and the new person who will take the lead, a new phase starts, with a lot of opportinitues and visions.<br><br></div><div>Again, thanks a lot for your participation and work, see you anytime, anywhere,<br></div><div>Regards,<br></div><div>AnalÃa Aspis<br></div><div>IGC- former co-coordinator<br></div><div><br><br></div><div><br><br></div><br></div>