<div>Greetings, all-<br><br>I would like the CSCG to consider nominating <b>Michael Oghia</b> to serve on the MAG.<br><br>I see Michael as a bridge between
stakeholder groups and regions, as he represents: <br></div><ul><li>Developed nations (having been born and raised in the
United States);<br></li><li>MENA region (because he is Lebanese, works with iGmena, and does
considerable work in the region);<br></li><li>Europe (he currently lives in Serbia and travels frequently within the region);<br></li><li>Youth (he is 28); and<br></li><li>Civil society.<br></li></ul><div>He is already heavily involved in IGF
processes, such as the IXP and IPv6 Best Practice Forums, has spearheaded work within Dynamic Coalitions (DC), such as the DC on Core Internet
Values and the DC on the Internet and Climate Change, and has been involved in
national and regional IGF initiatives, such as the Southeastern European
Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG) and the European Dialogue on Internet Governance
(EuroDIG).<br><br>He has also been an Internet Society Ambassador to
the IGF twice, is an active member of the Youth Coalition on Internet
Governance, was a fellow earlier this year at the New Media Summer School, and he advocates for more youth involvement in the field both through
his writing and at relevant events.<br><br>Finally, I know Michael and he has the positive
energy and collaborative spirit that the MAG needs to get work done. He has a quick mind, the
ability to draw connections others don't see, and the ability to draw out the
talents of others. He is always listening and motivating others with
intelligent, constructive feedback. I can't imagine anyone I'd want to work
with more in the Internet governance space.<br><br>Best wishes,<br></div><div><br></div><div class="protonmail_signature_block "><div class="protonmail_signature_block-user "><div>Ayden Férdeline<br></div><div><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/ferdeline" title="http://www.linkedin.com/in/ferdeline">linkedin.com/in/ferdeline</a><br></div></div><div class="protonmail_signature_block-proton protonmail_signature_block-empty"><br></div></div><div><br></div>