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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On Thursday 26 February 2015 03:02 PM,
Anriette Esterhuysen wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:54EEE83F.7020204@apc.org" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Michael, many in CS have worked very hard for recognition that the
internet should be governed in the public interest. For many years.
Getting that text into the NETmundial statement took work, but we got it
there and that is why I think it is short-sighted to dismiss that text.</pre>
Anriette, in my humble view this text about 'Internet being a global
resource that has to be managed in public interest' got in there
because people were haggling over terms like Internet as a pulbic
good, or a commons (which were indeed the politically meaningful
terms) , which was obviously resisted by the usual suspects, and
moving the words like resource and public around, the involved
people reached this somewhat meaningless phrase. I may be wrong, in
which case I am open to be corrected.<br>
In fact 'governing something in public interest' is a bit of
oxymoron, because once a subject is recognised for public
governance, as Internet was by WSIS, it is but obvious that it will
be governed in public interest (what else ?).<br>
Further, I am not aware of, as you say, the long struggles either of
general civil society or APC for a recognition that the Internet
should be governed in public interest - simply because it is kind of
obvious . Yes, APC was at one time very active to push the Internet
as public good agenda, although I have not heard of it in the last
many years. We should not confuse 'public good' and 'governance in
public interest' , not that I am saying that you are confusing the
two - just clarifying. <br>
<blockquote cite="mid:54EEE83F.7020204@apc.org" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">
It is a very important baseline from which we should never retreat and
on which we can build.</pre>
For the above reason, I do not think of it at all as an important
baseline. Much much more progressive language is written in WSIS
docs, starting with Geneva Declaration of Principles. especially
rights based language, and issues like access to knowledge... These
concrete principles was much more meaningful rather than just
professing a vague 'public interest'. <br>
But of course just my view...<br>
parminder <br>
<blockquote cite="mid:54EEE83F.7020204@apc.org" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://netmundial.br/netmundial-multistakeholder-statement/">http://netmundial.br/netmundial-multistakeholder-statement/</a>
"NETmundial identified a set of common principles and important values
that contribute for an inclusive, multistakeholder, effective,
legitimate, and evolving Internet governance framework and recognized
that the Internet is a global resource which should be managed in the
public interest."
On 26/02/2015 04:12, Michael Gurstein wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Contrary to the position of so much of CS in IG, Mr. Obama appears to be set on developing a regulatory framework for the US that ensures that the Internet will operate in the public interest.
<a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/technology/path-clears-for-net-neutrality-ahead-of-fcc-vote.html"><http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/technology/path-clears-for-net-neutrality-ahead-of-fcc-vote.html></a> <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/technology/path-clears-for-net-neutrality-ahead-of-fcc-vote.html">http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/technology/path-clears-for-net-neutrality-ahead-of-fcc-vote.html</a>
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