<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body ><div>+1 Avril.</div><div><br></div><div>Please allow me to say somtjing ad an observer of the this Caucus.</div><div><br></div><div>This is a very delicate debate since perceptions matter to a very large extent in this community. </div><div><br></div><div>It is posdible that, sometimes, views by individuals can be 'watered down' if they are found to be unpalatable. This is for example, a question about "which Law should ICANN processes adhere to?" was raised during the ccNSO Council mtg in Mar de Plata in year 2005. This question was not dealt with then during PDP. Now ...the ICANN By Laws are being challenged from left-right and centre. ..</div><div><br></div><div>As an outsider, I think that CS is doing a good job in IGF and issues. Bravo!</div><div><br></div><div>Yassin Mshana</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><div style="font-size:9px;color:#575757">Sent from Samsung Mobile</div></div><br><br>-------- Original message --------<br>From: Avri Doria <avri@acm.org> <br>Date:20/09/2014 17:17 (GMT+02:00) <br>To: governance@lists.igcaucus.org <br>Subject: Re: [governance] [govenance] The domain name racket goes on <br><br>Hi,<br><br>I would add that for those of us who are being supported becasue we have<br>been elected to support organization councils or advisory committees<br>there are varying requirements like:<br><br>- attend all of the meeting pertinent to your responsibilities<br>- and in some cases, but not all, producing trip reports, aka blog<br>entries, that are shared openly in the specific Support Organization and<br>Advisory Committee (SOAC is an acronym often used to refer to this<br>collection) wiki spaces.<br><br>I can support the view that I have never heard of anyone being denied<br>funding for their variant view views or the things the say. And while we<br>are mostly insiders, except for most of the fellows ICANN brings each<br>time, none of us has signed anything even resembling loyalty oath and<br>some of us are known at time for being the polite, and sometimes not so<br>polite, opposition. Some of us also are required by the organizations[1]<br>we are associated with to keep an updated Statement of Interests on<br>public display[2].<br><br>avri<br><br>[1] e.g. Generic names supporting organization (GNSO) and At-Large<br>Advisory Committee (ALAC)<br>[2] For GNSO:<br><https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=14713457><br><br>On 19-Sep-14 09:03, McTim wrote:<br>> I didn't have to sign anything that said anything about what I could<br>> or couldn't say at the meeting.<br>> <br>> I went as part of NCSG.<br>> <br>> You can Google "ICANN travel policy" for details.<br>> <br>> On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 9:30 PM, Norbert Klein <nhklein@gmx.net> wrote:<br>>> Thanks - can you please elaborate on "no-strings attached travel funding to<br>>> participate in person" - and I would welcome to see whether or not this is a<br>>> general experience, for example for GNSO council members, chairs of official<br>>> ICANN working groups, and others of the "many thousands of people around the<br>>> world as the policy making community."<br>>><br>>> Norbert Klein<br>>> Cambodia<br>>><br>>><br>>> On 9/18/2014 8:48 PM, McTim wrote:<br>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 8:32 AM, parminder <parminder@itforchange.net<br>>>> <mailto:parminder@itforchange.net>> wrote:<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> The simple tasks that is the mandate of the ICANN to perform can<br>>>> be done at maybe 5 percent of ICANN's budget or at least revenue.<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> Mandate or IANA function? If the latter, you are correct.<br>>>><br>>>> ICANN is just highly puffed up for basically serving US's<br>>>> geopolitical interests<br>>>><br>>>> ICANN is "puffed up" because it costs a lot of money to put on meetings 3x<br>>>> per year in far flung locations around the world.<br>>>><br>>>> Without the need to develop policy using many thousands of people around<br>>>> the world as the policy making community, they could do their job using far<br>>>> fewer resources.<br>>>><br>>>> This spending is a feature, not a bug. It is a very useful feature for CS<br>>>> folks who rely on the no-strings attached travel funding to participate in<br>>>> person.<br>>>><br>>>> --<br>>>> McTim<br>>>> "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route<br>>>> indicates how we get there." Jon Postel<br>>><br>>><br>>><br>>><br>>> ____________________________________________________________<br>>> You received this message as a subscriber on the list:<br>>> governance@lists.igcaucus.org<br>>> To be removed from the list, visit:<br>>> http://www.igcaucus.org/unsubscribing<br>>><br>>> For all other list information and functions, see:<br>>> http://lists.igcaucus.org/info/governance<br>>> To edit your profile and to find the IGC's charter, see:<br>>> http://www.igcaucus.org/<br>>><br>>> Translate this email: http://translate.google.com/translate_t<br>>><br>> <br>> <br>> <br><br></body>