<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default"><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:13px;line-height:15.333332061767578px">Human Rights Watch issued a press release today</span><br></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small">
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:15.333332061767578px"><br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%"><a href="http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/09/02/turkey-internet-freedom-rights-sharp-decline" title="Turkey: Internet Freedom, Rights in Sharp Decline">Turkey: Internet
Freedom, Rights in Sharp Decline</a></span><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%"></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">Human Rights Watch</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="line-height:15.333332061767578px"> </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">SEPTEMBER 2,
<p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">Press
<p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%"><br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">Turkey’s
ruling party has responded to criticism of its policies by escalating Internet
censorship and prosecuting social media users. Delegations at the Internet
Government Forum shouldn’t turn a blind eye to the Turkish government’s
increasingly regressive approach to rights online.</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%"><br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">by Cynthia
Wong, senior Internet researcher</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%"><br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">(Istanbul)
– <a href="http://www.hrw.org/europecentral-asia/turkey">Turkey</a>, the
host of a UN-sponsored Internet forum September 2-5, 2014 in Istanbul, has an
abysmal record of protecting free expression online. In recent months, the
Turkish government has expanded its powers to censor online content and to
monitor Internet activity without independent oversight.<br>
The Internet Government Forum (IGF), an annual meeting convened by the United
Nations secretary-general, brings together governments, civil society, and
others as equal partners to discuss public policy issues related to the
“Turkey’s ruling party has responded to criticism of its policies by escalating
Internet censorship and prosecuting social media users,” said <a href="http://www.hrw.org/bios/cynthia-m-wong">Cynthia Wong</a>, senior Internet
researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Delegations at the Internet Government Forum
shouldn’t turn a blind eye to the Turkish government’s increasingly regressive
approach to rights online.”<br>
The Turkish government should cease blocking websites and prosecuting social
media users and the Constitutional Court should overrule abusive provisions in
a new surveillance law, Human Rights Watch said.<br>
Turkish authorities have blocked tens of thousands of websites under the
country’s draconian Internet Law 5651 over the last few years. The exact number
remains unclear since the judicial and administrative procedures for Internet
blocking are not transparent. In February, the government passed amendments to
the law that expand censorship powers, enabling authorities to block access to
web pages within hours, based on a mere allegation that a posting violates
private life, without a prior court order.<br>
The government has also tried to stifle social media. In the period before the
March 30 municipal elections, authorities <a href="http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/03/27/turkey-youtube-block-violates-free-expression">blocked</a> access
to Twitter and YouTube, which have been used to <a href="http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/06/these-charts-show-how-crucial-twitter-is-for-the-turkey-protesters/276798/">organize
protests</a> and call for reform. These actions followed a corruption
scandal that erupted when <a href="http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/25/leaked-tapes-calls-erdogan-resign-turkish-pm">multiple</a><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/03/27/by-banning-youtube-has-turkey-revealed-just-how-damning-todays-leaked-recording-is/">wiretaps</a> of
conversations among top officials were leaked via social media.<br>
The blanket blocking drew widespread international criticism, including from
the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, the European Union, and
the United States government. But President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was then
the prime minister, vowed to “<a href="http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkey-blocks-twitter-after-erdogan-vowed-eradication.aspx?pageID=238&nID=63884&NewsCatID=338">eradicate
Twitter</a>” and other <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/03/21/turkey-bans-twitter-and-twitter-explodes/">social
media</a>, no matter what the international community might say.<br>
Access to Twitter and YouTube were restored in April and June respectively by
order of the Constitutional Court, which called the blanket block on Twitter
“illegal, arbitrary and a serious restriction on the right to obtain
information.” However, <a href="http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/traffic/explorer/?r=TR&l=YOUTUBE&csd=1407106800000&ced=1408316400000">YouTube</a> and
other social media sites have sometimes been blocked for prolonged periods
since 2007.<br>
The right to privacy online and offline has also been under threat. In April,
Turkey passed a new law that greatly expanded the surveillance powers of the
National Intelligence Agency, known by its Turkish acronym MİT (Milli
İstihbarat Teşkilatı). The law gives the agency sweeping powers to amass
private data, documents, and personal information in all forms without a court
The new law fundamentally undermines the right to privacy by permitting the
agency unfettered access to personal data without judicial oversight or review,
Human Rights Watch said. Nor does it have any clear limits on the scope of data
retention or government access to private data. The law also punishes
journalists who might expose abuses by the agency and grants MİT personnel
effective immunity from prosecution.<br>
The expanded surveillance powers may feed further abusive prosecutions and
erode the rule of law, Human Rights Watch said. The Constitutional Court is
examining the law in response to a challenge by the main opposition party.<br>
The Turkish authorities have also adopted an increasingly restrictive approach
to social media users’ online postings with repeated prosecutions that
contravene Turkey’s obligations to uphold freedom of expression.<br>
In February, for example, 29 people were indicted for inciting riots via
Twitter during the May 2013 demonstrations over government plans for
construction in the park in Taksim Square. Evidence described in the indictment
included tweets that merely relayed information about the Gezi park protests or
called for emergency services or other medical aid for protesters.<br>
“The IGF embraces robust debate and participation by independent voices in
Internet governance,” Wong said. “Yet, the Internet forum’s host this year
seems determined to shut down criticism of government policy online.”</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">Turkey’s
Efforts to Muzzle the Internet<br>
Internet Censorship<br>
Internet Law 5651 was enacted in 2007 to regulate Internet and online service
providers. Under the law, foreign-hosted websites are subject to blocking if
they are suspected to contain eight categories of prohibited content, including
child abuse images, content that facilitates drug use, provision of substances
dangerous to health, obscenity, prostitution sites, gambling sites,
encouragement of suicide, and crimes committed against Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,
the founder of modern Turkey.<br>
Blocking orders can be issued by courts, public prosecutors as a precautionary
injunction, or the Telecommunications Communication Presidency (“TIB”), an
administrative entity in the Telecommunications Authority. The TIB is
responsible for executing blocking orders and surveillance warrants and
monitoring Internet content.<br>
In the years since, the law has been used to block LGBT community forums (later
unblocked without explanation), independent media websites, and news sites with
a pro-Kurdish political line. Several global websites that host large volumes
of user-generated content, including YouTube, Twitter, Blogspot, Wordpress,
Vimeo, and Google Groups, have been occasionally blocked wholesale, even if
only a fraction of the content was deemed subject to blocking.<br>
These practices have faced repeated international criticism, including by the
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s representative on media
freedom, the Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner, and the UN special
rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression. In its 2012 Progress Report
for Turkey’s Accession to the European Union, the European Commission stated
that, “Frequent website bans are a cause for serious concern and there is a
need to revise the law on the Internet.”<br>
Individuals have filed five separate applications to the European Court of
Human Rights to challenge the government’s blocking of YouTube, website
creation and hosting service Google Sites, and music website Last.fm. In
December 2012, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in <a href="http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng-press/pages/search.aspx?i=001-115705#{"itemid":["001-115705"]}">Ahmet
Yıldırım v. Turkey</a> that the blanket blocking of Google Sites violated
the right to freedom of expression. The <a href="http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/12/21/turkey-end-overly-broad-website-blocking">court
found</a> that Internet Law 5651 did not adequately protect against
arbitrary or abusive blocking measures.<br>
The government has largely ignored the court’s ruling. According to <a href="http://engelliweb.com/">Engelliweb</a>, a nongovernmental website that
tracks websites reportedly blocked in Turkey, as of August 2014 over 50,000
websites have been blocked, over twice the number it listed as reportedly
blocked in 2012.<br>
The February 2014, amendments to the internet law expand the TIB’s powers by
allowing the agency to issue administrative blocking orders if any individual
or legal entity alleges a privacy violation or if the content is considered
“discriminatory or insulting to certain members of society.” Internet service
providers have to block access to specific URLs within four hours of receiving
an order. Although such blocking orders must be reviewed by a court within 48
hours, the grounds for blocking are so broadly and vaguely defined that they
allow discretion for abusive application and interpretation.<br>
In addition, although blocking a URL is more targeted than blocking an entire
social media site, such blocking may prompt increased use of “deep packet
inspection” – that is, to examine the content of Internet traffic transmitted
over an Internet network. Such capabilities, which are necessary for URL
blocking, also raise serious privacy concerns because they enable mass
monitoring and possible tampering with Internet traffic. <a href="http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304626304579505912518706936">Media
reports</a> have suggested that deep packet inspection is already in use
in Turkey.<br>
Finally, requests from Turkish authorities to <a href="http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/removals/government/TR/">Google</a> and <a href="https://transparency.twitter.com/removal-requests/2014/jan-jun">Twitter</a> to
take down content deemed objectionable by the government have surged in recent
years. According to Twitter’s publicly reported numbers, Twitter received 186
such requests, specifying 304 accounts, to remove content in the first half of
2014, up from seven requests specifying 30 accounts from the same period in
2013. Twitter complied with 30 percent of these requests, in part or in whole.<br>
In March, Twitter filed court <a href="https://blog.twitter.com/2014/challenging-the-access-ban-in-turkey">petitions</a> in
Turkey to challenge several of these orders and was successful in overturning
two, including <a href="https://blog.twitter.com/2014/victory-for-free-expression-in-turkish-court">one</a> that
instructed Twitter to take down an account with tweets that accused a former
government official of corruption.<br>
Turkish officials have also <a href="http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304626304579505912518706936">demanded</a> that
Twitter open an office inside the country to make it easier to compel the firm
to censor content or hand over information about users, as well as for tax
collection purposes. Twitter has <a href="http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304311204579505120408321090">stated</a> that
it has no current plans to open an office in Turkey.<br>
Surveillance, Privacy, and Public Accountability<br>
On April 17, parliament passed a new law that greatly increases the powers of
Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency, while decreasing government
accountability, media freedom, and the right to privacy. The Law Amending the
Law on State Intelligence Services and the National Intelligence Agency (Devlet
İstihbarat Hizmetleri ve Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı Kanununda Değişiklik
Yapılmasına Dair Kanunu, no. 6532), which entered into force on April 26,
amends a 1983 law (no. 2937) defining the activities of MİT.<br>
The new law gives the intelligence agency far-reaching powers to collect
private data, documents, and information about individuals in all forms from
public bodies, banks, archives, companies, and other legal entities, as well as
from organizations without legal status. No court order is needed to compel
disclosure of personal data or documents. The law makes provision of all such
information to MİT obligatory and overrides provisions in any other laws or
bylaws limiting the provision of such data. Failure to comply with data
requests from the agency could be punishable with a prison sentence.<br>
Furthermore, the new law permits the agency to “collect data relating to
external intelligence, national defense, terrorism, international crimes, and
cyber security passing via telecommunication channels” without specifying the
need for a court order. This provision could enable mass interception of
Internet traffic or mobile text messages. The law also grants the agency head
the authority to intercept calls overseas, and calls by foreigners and on pay
phones, and to analyze and store the data.<br>
At the same time, the amendments criminalize exposure of abusive surveillance
and intelligence-gathering activities, as well as undermine accountability of
other agencies that may access data or communications derived from
surveillance. The law increases maximum sentences for whistleblowers convicted
of leaking information about intelligence activities and MİT personnel. For the
first time, it also sets prison sentences – of three to nine years – for
journalists and editors who publish or broadcast leaked information or documents
“by radio, television, Internet, social media, newspapers, publications, books
or all other media and by means of all forms of written, visual, audio and
electronic mass communication tools.”<br>
The law also makes it more difficult for judicial authorities to hold officials
accountable for misusing the law. If a complaint is filed that involves
intelligence personnel, the prosecutor would have to notify the head of the
intelligence agency. If the intelligence agency “states or documents” that the
allegations of wrongdoing were “connected to [MİT] duties and activities,” the
investigation would be blocked and the agency employees involved would have
immunity. The public prosecutor thus has no authority to initiate direct
criminal investigations or subject the agency’s activities to judicial scrutiny
in the event of allegations of wrongdoing. Another provision largely prevents
agency personnel from testifying on matters related to MİT duties and
Combined, these provisions effectively place the intelligence agency above the
law and thwart accountability if MİT personnel violate human rights. The agency
itself decides when its activities should be investigated or prosecuted, and
journalists and whistleblowers are penalized if they publish information about
intelligence activities that may be of legitimate public interest.<br>
Amendments to Internet law 5651 also raise privacy concerns by imposing a new
data retention mandate on hosting providers. Under the revised law, hosting
providers must store communications traffic data related to their hosting
activities and make it available to the TIB upon request. The amendments do not
require a court order or legal process for such requests. Blanket data
retention mandates interfere with the right to privacy of all affected
individuals, the vast majority of whom will not be suspected of any crime or
The Constitutional Court indicated in July that it would examine the substance
of the new National Intelligence Agency law. The court should overrule the
law’s abusive surveillance and data collection powers, as well as other
provisions granting immunity from prosecution to intelligence personnel and
providing for steep prison sentences for journalists publishing leaked
intelligence.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%"><br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:small"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:115%">Regards,</span></p>
</div><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir="ltr"><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#666666">Narine Khachatryan</font></div><div></div><ul style="margin:0px;padding:0px 0px 8px;border:0px;outline:0px;font-size:11.818181991577148px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;vertical-align:baseline;list-style:none;line-height:17px;display:table-cell;width:502.7272644042969px;color:rgb(51,51,51)">
<br></ul><ul style="margin:0px;padding:0px 0px 8px;border:0px;outline:0px;font-size:11.818181991577148px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;vertical-align:baseline;list-style:none;line-height:17px;display:table-cell;width:502.7272644042969px;color:rgb(51,51,51)">