At 08:41 17/07/2014, parminder wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">he below explains the phenomenon
of sudden rise of US industry led advocacy within India on IG issues,
including through the use of the multi stakeholder cover. This is not
unconnected to the incursions that US industry was able to make into
civil society representational space as well, like recently witnessed at
NetMundial... parminder</blockquote><br>
Would you mean that there are NSA sock-puppets on the internet governance
lists? <br>
May-be the reason why ICANN wants a forum based debate: the waste of time
limits it to people on a pay-roll. (I stupidly thought it only was for IP
check and further snooping on mail-combat commandos units like
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">from the Indian Express
<a href="http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/cast-a-wider-net/">