At 23:15 09-01-2013, Sonigitu Ekpe wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Content-Language: en-US<br>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;<br>
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+1 <br>
Ginger is very direct. And that is the diplomatic approach.<br><br>
Bless her each time.<br>
Best regards from,<br><br>
<font size=2>Sonigitu Ekpe <br>
Committee Secretary,<br>
State Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on Flood Food
Recovery and Double-Up Food Production Programme.<br>
3 Barracks Road <br>
Calabar - Nigeria.<br><br>
+234 8050232469</font> <br><br>
Ginger Paque <ginger@paque.net> wrote:<br><br>
I agree with you in principle, Ian, but I think we are more likely to get
progress and agreement if we go piece by piece, than if we try to do it
as a complete reform package. I suggest that we continue to gather
support for these amendments, and then continue the process.<br>
On 9 January 2013 15:24, Ian Peter
<<a href="mailto:ian.peter@ianpeter.com">ian.peter@ianpeter.com</a>
> wrote:<br>
<dd>while I having no problem with this wording, I would prefer if we are
going through charter amendments that we do so taking into account the
charter reform group recommendations as well (as mentioned by Jeremy
recently). In other words, lets do the whole package.<br>
<dd> <br>
<dd> <br>
<dd> <br>
<dd>From:</b> <a href="mailto:ginger@paque.net">Ginger Paque</a> <br>
<dd>Sent:</b> Thursday, January 10, 2013 8:15 AM<br>
<a href="mailto:governance@lists.igcaucus.org">
governance@lists.igcaucus.org</a> <br>
<dd>Cc:</b> <a href="mailto:avri@acm.org">Avri Doria</a> <br>
<dd>Subject:</b> Re: [governance] Suggested amendment for the charter.
Voting. Needs signatories<br>
<dd> <br>
<dd>I support these amendments as well. Thanks Avri.<br>
<dd>On 9 January 2013 15:06, Fouad Bajwa
<<a href="mailto:fouadbajwa@gmail.com">fouadbajwa@gmail.com</a>>
<dd>I support the amendments made below. I am also in favor of
<dd>improvements to meet the demand of present and future needs.<br><br>
<dd>-- best<br><br>
<dd>On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Avri Doria
<<a href="mailto:avri@acm.org">avri@acm.org</a>> wrote:<br>
<dd>> Amendments to the Charter<br>
<dd>> This charter can be amended at any time as proposed by no fewer
than ten (10) members and as approved by no less than two-thirds (2/3) of
the members of the IGC. The membership requirements for amending the
charter are based on the most currently available voters list. In
amending the charter, everyone who voted in the previous election will be
deemed a member for amending the charter.<br>
<dd>> ----------<br>
<dd>> Currently the charter
<<a href="http://igcaucus.org/charter">http://igcaucus.org/charter</a>
> reads as:<br>
<dd>> "<br>
<dd>> As part of the voting process the voter must personally
ascertain that they are a member of the IGC based on membership criteria
described elsewhere in this charter and posted as part of the voting
information (i.e. a voter must affirm membership on the voter form in
order to vote). The decision to self-identify as a member of the IGC is a
personal decision based on the criteria defined. A list of the
self-defined member-voters will be published after the election with the
results of the election.<br>
<dd>> "<br>
<dd>> Changes proposed:<br>
<dd>> 1. Indicate that the affirmation is prior to the vote and not
part of the vote.<br>
<dd>> 2. require that all ballot include the ability to abstain.<br>
<dd>> "<br>
<dd>> Prior to voting the prospective voter must personally ascertain
that they are a member of the IGC based on membership criteria described
elsewhere in this charter and posted as part of the voting information
(i.e. a voter must affirm membership on the voter form prior to voting).
The decision to self-identify as a member of the IGC is a personal
decision based on the criteria defined. A list of the self-defined
member-voters will be published after the election with the results of
the election.<br>
<dd>> All ballots will include the ability for voters to abstain on
any choice included on the ballot.<br>
<dd>> "<br>
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