<span style="font-family: Arial;">I believe this is an abuse of the process.<br><br>If 4 or more other IGC members counter-sign this message, perhaps with a +1, we request that the appeals team review this decision by the coordinator - as defined under the charter rules.<br><br><br>avri<br><br>----- Reply message -----<br>From: "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro" <salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro@gmail.com><br>To: "Ian Peter" <ian.peter@ianpeter.com><br>Cc: "Adam Peake" <ajp@glocom.ac.jp>, <governance@lists.igcaucus.org><br>Subject: [governance] Updates on MAG 2013<br>Date: Sun, Jan 6, 2013 19:54<br><br></span><br>Dear All,<br><br>Under the IGC Charter, the NomCom may be called upon to provide several<br>functions. In this instance, the NomCom as Ian had mentioned had served<br>previously to appoint the members of the Appeal Team. The NomCom was newly<br>drawn to serve the IGC in appointing the Appeal Team and have existed for<br>less than 12 months.<br><br>In this instance, since we are to give our list of Nominees to the IGC by<br>the 20th January, 2013, it becomes easier to use the existing NomCom. The<br>election candidates will include an additional question about MAG<br>Nominations which we will harvest and send to the NomCom, these persons<br>will be asked to submit their brief bios to enable the NomCom to make their<br>selections prior to the 19th January, 2013. This will then be posted to the<br>IGC and sent to the UNDESA.<br><br>Kind Regards,<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Ian Peter <ian.peter@ianpeter.com> wrote:<br><br>> I think using the previous Nomcom is the most practical path forward, but<br>> above all I think leaving the process to the (single currently) Co<br>> ordinator is what we should do. The current Nomcom is less than 12 months<br>> old, has only been used to select an Appeals Team, and operated<br>> effectively. Not all Nomcoms in the past have been effective, as most of us<br>> know, and I would prefer not to take the risk of a longer process that<br>> might give us dubious results. We will be lucky to meet the deadline even<br>> with the path of least resistance.<br>><br>> Re numbers to put forward - I think we should be aiming at a large slate<br>> of nominees rather than a small one, to cover all contingencies. We don't<br>> know who will be rotated off, either in CS or with other stakeholder<br>> groups, and as the geographic and gender balance needs to be achieved<br>> cross-stakeholder, it is better for us to present more options ( the loss<br>> of a North American woman governmental representative may well present an<br>> opening for a civil society woman from that area, etc) So I think a larger<br>> group of nominees might be praxctical.<br>><br>> Ian Peter<br>><br>> -----Original Message----- From: Adam Peake<br>> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 2:54 AM<br>> To: governance@lists.igcaucus.org ; Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro<br>> Subject: Re: [governance] Updates on MAG 2013<br>><br>><br>> Confirmed with the secretariat that the goal is to continue with<br>> rotation, i.e. one third each year (plus or minus a few.)<br>><br>> How many CS MAG members are there now, about 12? Perhaps look to<br>> submit 6 names for the deadline?<br>><br>> The members who joined last year only began at the May meeting. Hope<br>> they remain. A few of the people we suggested then were selected, in<br><br>