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<h1 class="entry-title">Facebook Even Censors ART</h1>
<div class="entry-meta"> <span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted
on</span> <a
title="7:12 pm" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">December
28, 2012</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span
class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n"
title="View all posts by WashingtonsBlog">WashingtonsBlog</a></span>
<center><a target="_blank" title="CENSORSHIP 2.0 by Colonel
Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part3.01030409.02060704@gmail.com" alt="8316464299
f197dba5e3 b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="543" width="725"></a><br>
<em>Image by <a title="William Banzai"
href="http://williambanzai7.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">William
<h3 style="color: #000099;">Social Media Censorship is Rampant</h3>
<p>Not only does <a title="Facebook"
– like all of the other <a title="large social media outfits"
social media outfits</a> – censor political speech, it also
censors <em>art</em>.</p>
<p>Acclaimed artist <a target="_blank" title="Anthony Freda"
href="http://www.anthonyfreda.com">Anthony Freda</a> told us:</p>
<p>They suspended my account for a period saying my posts
‘violated community standards’</p>
<p>I say <strong>they</strong> violate <strong>My</strong>
community standards by spying on us, mining and sharing our info
and keeping our biometric data in facial recognition systems.</p>
<p>When a user of the popular Infowars Facebook page uploaded an
uncopyrighted image of Bin Laden, that Facebook account was <a
target="_blank" title="temporarily suspended"
<p align="left">Facebook is now apparently censoring political
posts which violate its “Statement of Rights and
Responsibilities” as hate speech, after the social networking
giant threatened to close radio host Alex Jones’ account over an
image of Osama Bin Laden with the words “Al-CIA-da” written
<p align="left"><img src="cid:part10.05030909.09070201@gmail.com"
alt="291012facebook Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook
Even Censors ART" border="1"></p>
<p align="left">Attempting to login to Alex Jones’ Facebook
account, which has over 321,000 subscribers, Infowars staff were
met with a message from Facebook denying access to the account
until it was acknowledged that Facebook’s terms had been
<p align="left">“We removed content you posted,” stated the
message, underneath which was a black and white image of Osama
Bin Laden with the words “Al-CIA-da” emblazoned across it.
Facebook removed the image because it “violates <a
title="Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities"
href="http://www.facebook.com/legal/terms" target="_blank">Facebook’s
Statement of Rights and Responsibilities</a>.”</p>
<p align="left">A secondary screen then warned that other
infringing images should be removed if the account was to remain
in good standing.</p>
<p>Since the image is not copyrighted, according to Facebook’s
terms of agreement one can only assume that it was removed
because it represented an example of “hate speech,” yet the
picture was merely a commentary on the admitted fact that Osama
Bin Laden was aided by the CIA during the cold war and that
Al-Qaeda terrorists are now being supported by the Central
Intelligence Agency in Syria and Libya.</p>
<p>This is, indeed, an <a title="admitted fact"
fact</a>. Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew
Brzezinski <a title="National Security Adviser admitted"
target="_blank">admitted</a> on CNN that the U.S. <a
title="supported Bin Laden and the other originators of “Al
Qaeda” in the 1970s"
target="_blank">organized and supported Bin Laden and the other
originators of “Al Qaeda” in the 1970s</a> to fight the Soviets.</p>
<p>And – in the name of fighting our enemies – the U.S. has directly
been supporting Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups for the last
decade. See <a title="this"
<a title="this"
<a title="this"
<a title="this"
and <a title="this"
<p>Many Americans will be offended by the allegation of the former
FBI translator - who has been deemed credible by <a title="the
Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators "
target="_blank">the Department of Justice’s Inspector General,
several senators </a> (free subscription required), and a <a
title="coalition of prominent conservative and liberal groups"
target="_blank">coalition of prominent conservative and liberal
groups</a>, who the ACLU calls “the most gagged person in the
history of the United States of America”, and who Daniel Ellsberg <a
title="says" href="http://www.bradblog.com/?p=5260"
target="_blank">says</a> possesses information “far more
explosive than the Pentagon Papers” – that Bin Laden worked for
the CIA <em><a title="right up until 9/11"
up until 9/11</a></em>. But that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t
have the right to say it (or that it isn’t true).</p>
<p>Maybe Facebook censors would have been happier if a <em>younger</em>
Bin Laden was shown wearing an Al-CIA-da shirt? (It is a funny
coincidence that – as the Guardian noted in 2008 – Facebook was
largely launched with <a target="_blank" title="CIA and
neoconservative money"
and neoconservative money</a>.)</p>
<p>William Banzai – who knows a thing or two about artwork, privacy
and censorship – <a target="_blank" title="writes"
<p>Several items of interest surfaced over the Christmas Holiday
with regard to Social Media Strip Mining and data cloud
<p>1. Facebook’s privacy settings are evidently too complicated
for Zuckerberg’s sister to navigate. Not surporising, they are
not designed for anyone to successfully navigate. If you succeed
in mastering Facebook’s privacy settings, you are in line for
Krugman’s Nobel.</p>
<p>2. Our Congress, which always has our best interests at heart
do they not, managed to expunge the provision of the NDAA which
would have required a warrant for government access to our email
accounts. Surprised?</p>
<p>3. Instagram, shifted into hyper-back-pedaling mode. Of course
they want to convert user images to advertisements. Isn’t that
what Facebook wants to do? Stripmining user privacy.</p>
<p>4. “Facebook’s New Motto: If it’s free, it’s not the First
<p>I don’t mind that so many others use these services for
seemingly inane purposes. Photo sharing is actually more
engaging than sitting around watching TV when you get right down
to it. It is two way communication.</p>
<p>What concerns me is the way these giant social media players
are displacing other traditional channels of content sharing and
distribution, yet they obviously consider themselves exempt from
well worn principles of free speech, privacy, open access and
fair use.</p>
<p>They cannot just say if you don’t like it go somewhere else.
That’s not good enough.</p>
<p>You can’t deny access to so called “fringe groups” and allow
mainstream political groups to remain ensconced.</p>
<p>That is not the level playing field of ideas envisioned by the
First Amendment.</p>
<p>At some point, Facebook becomes a quasi-public space like
Zucotti Park and they cannot just arbitrarily deny access to
users without some form of due process.</p>
<p>Their perfect commercial world is a world bereft of unpopular
ideas or political controversy.</p>
<p>A happy sheepful place.</p>
<p>5. It was revealed that plain old fashioned email marketing
provides a higher retail ROI than social media advertising,
which also came behind display ads and web search…</p>
<p>In the ultimate revenge, Freda created a picture parodying
Facebook as the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Freda
<p>It’s a play on the mysterious 2001 monolith that appears to
influence human behavior, including the triggering of the use
new technology and weapons, etc.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a
title="Face" src="cid:part26.08010105.04080902@gmail.com"
alt="Face Facebook Even Censors ART" height="468" width="718"></a><a
target="_blank" title="Anthony Freda"
href="http://www.anthonyfreda.com"><em>Anthony Freda</em></a></p>
<p style="text-align: left;">And here are <a target="_blank"
title="more illustrations from Banzai"
href="http://williambanzai7.blogspot.com">more illustrations
from Banzai</a>:</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a target="_blank" title="UNCLE SHAM
by Colonel Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part30.08070107.09060306@gmail.com" alt="8316552589
07956d6df3 b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="1024" width="725"></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">.<br>
<a target="_blank" title="FREEDOM OF SHEEP by Colonel
Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part32.00030100.08090008@gmail.com" alt="8316055881
2b83396520 b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="1024" width="682"></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">.<br>
<a target="_blank" title="CENSORSHIP 3.0 by Colonel
Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part34.04030105.08050308@gmail.com" alt="8315986527
dd86501e2b b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="501" width="725"></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">.<br>
<a target="_blank" title="SOCIAL AD POWERED BY INSTAGRAM by
Colonel Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part36.03010504.08020101@gmail.com" alt="8313742754
a82eca6d53 b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="505" width="725"></a><br>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a target="_blank" title="TERMS OF
SERVICE by Colonel Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part38.01050804.09080403@gmail.com" alt="8310553472
13bca18938 b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="533" width="650"></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">.<br>
<a target="_blank" title="WE HAVE YOUR DATA by Colonel
Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part40.07080103.01090400@gmail.com" alt="8309406585
0744339f18 b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="592" width="651"></a></p>
<a target="_blank" title="SOCIAL MEDIA BUSINESS MODEL by Colonel
Flick/WilliamBanzai7, on Flickr"
src="cid:part42.08040607.08080407@gmail.com" alt="8309400933
188bc82dea b Facebook Even Censors ART" title="Facebook Even
Censors ART" height="658" width="650"></a></p>
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<h1 class="entry-title">Facebook Yields to Pressure: Reactivates
Political Critics’ Accounts</h1>
<div class="entry-meta"> <span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted
on</span> <a
title="5:31 pm" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">December
28, 2012</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span
class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n"
title="View all posts by WashingtonsBlog">WashingtonsBlog</a></span>
<h3 style="color: #000099;">Outcry Leads Facebook to Back Away from
Overt Censorship</h3>
<p>Prominent political critics confirmed to us that <a title="their
accounts had been suspended or inactivated yesterday"
accounts had been suspended or inactivated yesterday</a> in a
coordinated purge.</p>
<p>But after we – and others – slammed the censorship, the
activists’ accounts have been reinstated.</p>
<p>Peter Dale Scott told us:</p>
<p>The issue seems indeed to have been activism, but of many
varieties, including gun advocacy. Above all it seems to have
affected many more accounts in England than here. See the
Guardian story on my webpage, now restored, also this:<br>
<p>It is possible we [9/11 activists] were marginal victims of a
procedure designed to prevent flash mobs (which alas we will
never be).</p>
<p>Ejournalism seems to have taken care of the problem. Let’s take
heart from this.</p>
<p>Michel Rivero <a target="_blank" title="writes"
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Last night while I was
sleeping the Magic Elves turned my Facebook account back on. I
understand that most if not all of the other accounts were
also switched back on. Frankly, I am honored to have been
included in the list of leading political critics thus
attacked. I feel like I made the varsity team! </span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"> Not a word of explanation has
been forthcoming from Facebook. This, I think, rules out an
external hacker attack. </span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"> The lesson to be learned here
is that the alternative media has more power to affect change
than we ourselves fully comprehend, and it is time to use that
<p>Mike Adams of Natural News <a target="_blank" title="reports"
<p>Facebook … suspended our account and gave us a “final warning”
that one more violation of their so-called “community
guidelines” would result in our account being permanently
<p>They then demanded we send them a color copy of a “government
issued identification” in order to reactivate our account. Our
account was removed from suspension just minutes before InfoWars
posted its article on this Facebook censorship, and the Facebook
page is now functioning at:<br>
<a title="www.Facebook.com/NaturalNews"
href="http://www.facebook.com/NaturalNews" target="_blank">www.Facebook.com/NaturalNews</a></p>
<p>Perhaps Facebook wrongly assumed that <a target="_blank"
title="we aren’t smart enough to notice"
aren’t smart enough to notice</a>?</p>