On behalf of Joana Varon, from CTS-FGV<br><div class="gmail_quote"><br></div><div class="gmail_quote">Dear Colleagues,<br><div class="gmail_quote"><div class="gmail_quote"><br>Please find attached a letter of support
for the Civil Rights Framework for Internet in Brazil, drafted in partnership with the following Brazilian civil society organizations:
Institute of Consumers Defense - IDEC; Intervozes and the Center for Technology and Society - CTS/FGV, but with growing support from a list of others. <br>
<span lang="en"><b><span>N</span><span>ext Wednesday,</span> <span>August 8th</span><span>, the bill shall be voted at </span><span>a Special Committee of</span> National </b><span><b>Congress</b>.</span> <span>It would be</span> <span>the first step in</span> <span>the creation of</span> <span>a legal text that</span> goes <span>in the opposite direction</span> <span>to the trend</span> <span>of criminalization</span><span> and imposing intermediary liability</span><span> on the web. </span><span>As you might already know, </span><span>we had</span> <span>expected it to be voted a month ago, but it</span> <span>did not happen</span> <span>due to lack of</span> <span>quorum.</span> <span>And nowadays</span><span>, though</span> it is the <span>product of a</span> <span>highly democratic process</span><span>, approval of the</span> <span>text is not</span> <span>guaranteed.</span><br>
<br>We believe<span> international support</span> <span>can</span> <span>help us </span><span>put pressure on</span> <span>Congress for approval.</span> <span>So, if you</span> <span>agree,</span> <span>I would kindly ask</span> <span>your institution</span> <span>to sign</span> <span>this</span> <span>letter. Sorry for not having being able to propose it as a document to be edited in partnership, but we are in a rush, as the idea is to have a version with institutional signatures of international civil society organizations by tomorrow to</span><span> deliver it</span> <span>to the Special Commission on <b>Wednesday</b>.</span> <span></span></span><span lang="en"><span></span></span><span lang="en"><span>Signatures can</span> <span>be</span> sent<span></span> directly <span>to my email (<u><a href="mailto:joana@varonferraz.com">joana@varonferraz.com</a></u>), preferably indicating the link to the website of the supporting institution.</span></span><br>
<br>ps. sorry for any eventual cross-posting<br>
<br clear="all">Kind regards, <br>
Joana<span class="HOEnZb"><font color="#888888"><span><font color="#888888"><span><font color="#888888"><br><br>-- <br><br>Joana Varon Ferraz<br>Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS-FGV)<br>
<a href="http://direitorio.fgv.br/cts/" target="_blank">http://direitorio.fgv.br/cts/</a><a href="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/goog_946507056" target="_blank"><br>
<a href="http://www.freenetfilm.org" target="_blank">www.freenetfilm.org</a><br>@joana_varon<br clear="all"><br></font></span></font></span><br></font></span></div></div>
</div><br><br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br>Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade<br>FGV Direito Rio<br><br>Center for Technology and Society<br>Getulio Vargas Foundation<br>Rio de Janeiro - Brazil<br>