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<DIV>---------- Forwarded message ----------<BR>From: "Dewayne Hendricks" <<A
href="mailto:dewayne@warpspeed.com">dewayne@warpspeed.com</A>><BR>Date: Mar
9, 2012 10:02 AM<BR>Subject: [Dewayne-Net]
=?windows-1252?Q?Pols_fear_=91SOPA_backlash=92_=<BR>To: "Multiple recipients of
Dewayne-Net" <<A
type="attribution">Pols fear ‘SOPA backlash’<BR>By KIM HART<BR>3/8/12<BR><<A
the wake of the Internet blackout that led to the dramatic death of two
controversial online piracy bills, a new warning has entered the Hill
vernacular: “Don’t get SOPA’d.”<BR><BR>Lawmakers are tiptoeing around issues
that could tick off tech heavyweights such as Google or Amazon. They don’t want
a legislative misstep to trigger the same kind of online revolt that killed the
Stop Online Piracy Act in the House and the Protect IP Act in the Senate in
January.<BR><BR>That means the industry now has the upper hand in some
legislative debates — from cybersecurity to online sales tax.<BR><BR>“Nobody
wants another SOPA moment,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), a vocal critic of
SOPA, told POLITICO. “The nerds are more powerful than anyone thought, and the
tech industry flexed its muscle like never before.”<BR><BR>Lawmakers don’t want
to give the tech industry a reason to flex that muscle again at the expense of
their own bills, so they’re going to extra lengths to address the industry’s
concerns and smooth out disagreements that could escalate into bigger
fights.<BR><BR>Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) said the anti-SOPA movement showed a
certain “coming of political age” for the tech industry, and his colleagues in
the House are treading carefully.<BR><BR>“They’re involving the tech community
more and are more interested in listening,” said Polis, who also opposed SOPA.
“They’re paying closer attention now.”<BR><BR>The SOPA wounds are still fresh.
It was less than two months ago that Wikipedia and Reddit went dark in protest
of SOPA and PIPA, and Google blacked out its logo on its homepage. Tech blogs
warned of the dangers of the two Hollywood-backed bills that would have
ratcheted up the legal consequences of hosting illegally copied content on the
Web. The entertainment industry, which had done an excellent job lining up
bipartisan support for the bills, hoped the legislation would significantly curb
the online piracy that has decimated their business
models.<BR><BR>[snip]<BR><BR>Dewayne-Net RSS Feed: <<A
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