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<p class="p1">I would like to share details of the following Freedom House event that I am helping organize in the San Francisco Bay Area in about a week's time. </p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3"><span class="s1"><a href="http://goo.gl/LSlXZ">http://goo.gl/LSlXZ</a></span></p>
<p class="p4"><br></p>
<p class="p5"><br></p>
<p class="p6"><a href="http://goo.gl/LSlXZ"><b>FREEDOM ON THE NET 2011</b></a><span class="s2"><b>: </b></span></p>
<p class="p6"><a href="http://cts.vresp.com/c/?WorldAffairsCouncil/88c5a2624e/TEST/a3a803279e/ID=2950&utm_content=%7bURIENCODE%5bSOURCE%5d%7d&utm_source=VerticalResponse&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=Growing%20Threats%20to%20the%20Internet%20%26amp%3B%20Digital%20Media&utm_campaign=Panel%20on%20Information%20Technology%20%26%20Freedom"><b>Growing Threats to the Internet & Digital Media</b></a></p>
<p class="p7">As the recent uprisings across the Middle East have shown, information technology facilitates political change, but for that very reason, authoritarian regimes are intensifying their controls over the internet. Freedom House is now issuing its report in levels of freedom on the internet around the world, which rates internet access, censorship, and user rights in 37 countries and assesses key trends in freedom of digital media. The presentation of report findings will be followed by a panel discussion with internet freedom experts. Brought to you by the Yahoo! Series on Business and Human Rights.<span class="s3"><br>
</span><b>Alex Fowler</b>, Global<i> </i>Privacy<i> </i>and Public Policy Leader, Mozilla</p>
<p class="p7"><b>Gwen Hinze</b>, International Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation<span class="s3"><br>
</span><b>Sanja Kelly</b>, Senior Researcher & Managing Editor, Freedom House <span class="s3"><br>
</span><b>Ebele Okobi-Harris</b>, Director of Business & Human Rights Program, Yahoo!<span class="s3"><br>
</span><b>Nicole Wong</b>, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Google</p>
<p class="p7"><span class="s3"><br>
</span>Moderated by <b>Joseph Menn</b>, Technology Correspondent, <i>The Financial Times</i>; Author, <i>Fatal System Error</i></p>
<p class="p7"><span class="s3"><br>
</span>The Yahoo! Series on Business & Human Rights</p>
<p class="p7"> <span class="s3"><br>
</span>Monday, April 18, 6:30 PM<span class="s3"><br>
</span>World Affairs Council Auditorium<span class="s3"><br>
</span>312 Sutter Street, Suite 200<span class="s3"><br>
</span>San Francisco, CA 94108</p>
<p class="p5"><br></p>
<p class="p7">As part of our ongoing commitment to bring you in-depth information on the most pressing international issues, we are proud to announce this program will also be available as live webcast.</p>
<p class="p6"><span class="s2">You can join by going to our <a href="http://goo.gl/LSlXZ">homepage</a> or going to <a href="http://www.livestream.com/WorldAffairs2011">www.LiveStream.com/WorldAffairs2011</a></span></p>