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Yrjö Länsipuro wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:BAY141-W12E56242ACCCA5A95F150FFE10@phx.gbl"
.hmmessage P
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<div>Over the years, the view has been expressed time and again that
the main outcomes of the IGF are those impressions, new ideas and
conclusions carried home by its individual participants, to be used by
them as input on whatever other internet-related fora (decision-making
or not) they are active.</div>
How would that be different from any global IG conference that any
private party can hold and many of them do get hled, from where the
participatants take home whatever they choose or not to take home, Is
then IGF just another global IG conference?<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:BAY141-W12E56242ACCCA5A95F150FFE10@phx.gbl"
<div>I subscribe to this view. These thousands of individual
outcomes are much more effective than a piece of paper, painfully
negotiated before and and during the event, that nobody will read but
that will be a proof that IGF achieved "results", for those
bureaucrats and politicians who need something to put <i>ad actam</i>.</div>
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and before that Magna Carta,
or the constitution of India of of Finland may as well be considered
painfully negotiated but largely useless pieces of paper. Your
statement just bespeaks a distrust of politics and governance, and this
is merely an one sided ideological position, contributing little of
substance to the real debate.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:BAY141-W12E56242ACCCA5A95F150FFE10@phx.gbl"
<div>At the same time, it does not hurt to try to go a step further
achieving conclusions at workshops and "messages" (as proposed by
Wolfgang) from the IGF itself. But these efforts should not take time
from the main purpose of the IGF. <br>
Who decides what is the main purpose of the IGF? I think it is written
in the Tunis Agenda, as well as the recent UN General Assembly's
directions to improve the IGF towards some specific purposes.<br>
Parminder <br>
<blockquote cite="mid:BAY141-W12E56242ACCCA5A95F150FFE10@phx.gbl"
> From: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:nb@bollow.ch">nb@bollow.ch</a><br>
> To: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org">governance@lists.cpsr.org</a><br>
> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 18:45:26 +0100<br>
> Subject: Re: [governance] CSTD IX. Conclusions and recommendations<br>
> <br>
> Jeanette Hofmann <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:jeanette@wzb.eu"><jeanette@wzb.eu></a> wrote:<br>
> <br>
> > I have tried to argue for more outcome oriented workshops.
They should <br>
> > define some form of a goal in their workshop proposal. Alas,
outcome <br>
> > orientation is a cultural issue as well. Many people in the <br>
> > international sphere tend to think in procedural terms.
Perhaps we are <br>
> > just a bit demanding in this respect?<br>
> <br>
> I think that it well-justified and quite necessary to be justly "a
> demanding in this respect".<br>
> <br>
> For some activity to be meaningful, it will quite generally need to<br>
> have some kind of output that becomes input for something else. Of<br>
> course, some of the potential results from discussions are of a
> that is not compatible with the idea of recording them in some kind<br>
> of formal "output" document, and that does not make those kinds of<br>
> informal outputs any less valuable.<br>
> <br>
> Greetings,<br>
> Norbert<br>
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