<TITLE>Re: [governance] enhanced cooperation consultations</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Yep, what Parminder said.<BR>
I believe we should make a generic statement along these lines<BR>
<HR ALIGN=CENTER SIZE="3" WIDTH="95%"><B>From: </B>parminder <<a href="parminder@itforchange.net">parminder@itforchange.net</a>><BR>
<B>Reply-To: </B><<a href="governance@lists.cpsr.org">governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>>, parminder <<a href="parminder@itforchange.net">parminder@itforchange.net</a>><BR>
<B>Date: </B>Sun, 05 Dec 2010 08:31:35 +0530<BR>
<B>To: </B><<a href="governance@lists.cpsr.org">governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>><BR>
<B>Subject: </B>[governance] enhanced cooperation consultations<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#333333">Hi All<BR>
A specific proposal for the IGC for co-oordinators attention... Also since the new communication from UNDESA asks for 'what global Internet related policy issues are not being addressed by current mechanisms'<BR>
Should we add to our EC statement, one line to the effect that<BR>
"There are numerous pressing trans-border issues of Internet governance and Internet related policies that require urgent resolution, but are not be addressed by existing mechanisms. We need to examine what institutional mechanisms will be able to address these important Internet related public policy issues in a globally democratic, inclusive and fully-participative manner."<BR>
Parminder <BR>
On Sunday 05 December 2010 02:20 AM, Ian Peter wrote: <BR>
</FONT></SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><FONT COLOR="#333333"> <BR>
The real issue is that some governments around the world are trying to shut<BR>
down an organization that helps whistleblowers publish information.<BR>
In the absence of any policy regime covering such internet usage issues,<BR>
corporations are bowing to government pressure and/or acting unilaterally to<BR>
preserve government secrecy and the way things used to be before the digital<BR>
age. <BR>
This absence of a policy regime and any universally accepted principles is<BR>
one of the internet governance issues we should raise in the current<BR>
enquiries. <BR>
Ian Peter<BR>
</FONT></SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><FONT COLOR="#333333"> <BR>
From: "Carlos A. Afonso" <<a href="ca@cafonso.ca">ca@cafonso.ca</a>> <<a href="mailto:ca@cafonso.ca">mailto:ca@cafonso.ca</a>> <BR>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2010 18:35:35 -0200<BR>
To: <<a href="governance@lists.cpsr.org">governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>> <<a href="mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org">mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>> , Ian Peter <<a href="ian.peter@ianpeter.com">ian.peter@ianpeter.com</a>> <<a href="mailto:ian.peter@ianpeter.com">mailto:ian.peter@ianpeter.com</a>> <BR>
Cc: Lee W McKnight <<a href="lmcknigh@syr.edu">lmcknigh@syr.edu</a>> <<a href="mailto:lmcknigh@syr.edu">mailto:lmcknigh@syr.edu</a>> <BR>
Subject: Re: [governance] FW: [IP] Fwd: Wikileaks Domain Revoked?<BR>
Yes, and we believe in fairy tales and in Santa Claus. :) I would like<BR>
to see in Wikileaks in the near future the exchange of "cables" between<BR>
Lieberman and Bezos :)<BR>
On 12/04/2010 06:24 PM, Ian Peter wrote:<BR>
</FONT></SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><FONT COLOR="#333333"> <BR>
Sure, sure - and paypal just denied wikileaks donations on policy grounds,<BR>
and everydns shut the site because of usage issues after a call from Joe<BR>
</FONT></SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><FONT COLOR="#333333"> <BR>
From: Lee W McKnight<<a href="lmcknigh@syr.edu">lmcknigh@syr.edu</a>> <<a href="mailto:lmcknigh@syr.edu">mailto:lmcknigh@syr.edu</a>> <BR>
Reply-To:<<a href="governance@lists.cpsr.org">governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>> <<a href="mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org">mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>> , Lee W McKnight<<a href="lmcknigh@syr.edu">lmcknigh@syr.edu</a>> <<a href="mailto:lmcknigh@syr.edu">mailto:lmcknigh@syr.edu</a>> <BR>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2010 14:54:57 -0500<BR>
To: "<a href="governance@lists.cpsr.org">governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>" <<a href="mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org">mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>> <<a href="governance@lists.cpsr.org">governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>> <<a href="mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org">mailto:governance@lists.cpsr.org</a>> <BR>
Subject: [governance] FW: [IP] Fwd: Wikileaks Domain Revoked?<BR>
Since we're talking Vittorio's holiday shopping...Amazon's denial re their<BR>
cessation of service w Wikileaks was not politics but for violating terms of<BR>
service, below.<BR>
From: Dave Farber [<a href="dave@farber.net">dave@farber.net</a>]<BR>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 4:11 AM<BR>
To: ip<BR>
Subject: [IP] Fwd: Wikileaks Domain Revoked?<BR>
Begin forwarded message:<BR>
From: SamÂ<<a href="samwaltz.groups@gmail.com<mailto:samwaltz.groups">samwaltz.groups@gmail.com<mailto:samwaltz.groups</a>@gmail.com>><BR>
Date: December 3, 2010 9:18:23 PM EST<BR>
To: Dave Farber IP<<a href="dave@farber.net<mailto:dave">dave@farber.net<mailto:dave</a>@farber.net>><BR>
Subject: Wikileaks Domain Revoked?<BR>
This may be of interest to the list.<BR>
<a href="https://www.mensa.org/user/6020">https://www.mensa.org/user/6020</a><BR>
<a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/blog/2010/dec/03/wikileaks-knocked-off-net-d">http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/blog/2010/dec/03/wikileaks-knocked-off-net-d</a><BR>
WikiLeaks fights to stay online after US company withdraws domain name<BR>
Everydns.net<<a href="http://Everydns.net">http://Everydns.net</a>> says attack against leaks site endangered<BR>
customers' service effectively pushing site off the web<BR>
Charles Arthur and Josh Halliday<BR>
guardian.co.uk<<a href="http://guardian.co.uk">http://guardian.co.uk</a>>, Friday 3 December 2010 07.54 GMT<BR>
WikiLeaks was removed from its wikileaks.org<<a href="http://wikileaks.org">http://wikileaks.org</a>> address.<BR>
Photograph: Joe<BR>
Raedle/Getty Images<BR>
The US was today accused of opening up a dramatic new front against<BR>
WikiLeaks, effectively "killing" its web address just days after<BR>
Amazon pulled the site from its servers following political pressure.<BR>
The whistleblowers' website went offline for the third time in a week<BR>
this morning, in the biggest threat to its online presence yet.<BR>
Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate's committee on homeland<BR>
security, earlier this week called for any organisation helping<BR>
sustain WikiLeaks to "immediately terminate" its relationship with<BR>
On Friday morning, WikiLeaks and the cache of secret diplomatic<BR>
documents that have proved to be a scourge for governments around the<BR>
world were only accessible through a string of digits known as a DNS<BR>
address. The site later re-emerged with a Swiss domain,<BR>
WikiLeaks.ch<<a href="http://WikiLeaks.ch">http://WikiLeaks.ch</a>>.<BR>
Julian Assange this morning said the development is an example of the<BR>
"privatisation of state censorship" in the US and is a "serious<BR>
"These attacks will not stop our mission, but should be setting off<BR>
alarm bells about the rule of law in the United States," he warned.<BR>
The California-based internet hosting provider that dropped WikiLeaks<BR>
at 3am GMT on Friday (10PM EST Thursday), Everydns, says it did so to<BR>
prevent its other 500,000 customers of being affected by the intense<BR>
cyber attacks targeted at WikiLeaks.<BR>
The site this morning said it had "move[d] to Switzerland", announcing<BR>
a new domain name wikileaks.ch<<a href="http://wikileaks.ch">http://wikileaks.ch</a>>, with the Swiss<BR>
However, the<BR>
new address still only points to an IP address, suggesting WikiLeaks<BR>
has been unable to quickly find a new hosting provider.<BR>
The Wikileaks.ch<<a href="http://Wikileaks.ch">http://Wikileaks.ch</a>> domain name, which only surfaced on<BR>
Friday morning,<BR>
is being served by the Swiss Pirate Party. And the routing to it is<BR>
still being done by everydns.<BR>
Late yesterday evening Tableau Software, a company which published<BR>
data visualisations, pulled one of its images picturing the WikiLeaks<BR>
diplomatic cables at the request of Senator Lieberman. Writing on the<BR>
company's blog, Elissa Fink said: "Our decision to remove the data<BR>
from our servers came in response to a public request by Senator Joe<BR>
Lieberman, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, when he<BR>
called for organisations hosting WikiLeaks to terminate their<BR>
relationship with the website."<BR>
Mark Stephens, the London-based lawyer acting on behalf of Assange,<BR>
wrote on Twitter after the shutdown: "Pressure appears to have been<BR>
applied to close the WikiLeaks domain name."<BR>
Andre Rickardsson, an expert on computer security at Sweden's Bitsec<BR>
Consulting, told Reuters: "I don't believe for a second that this has<BR>
been done by everydns themselves. I think they've been under<BR>
pressure," he said, apparently referring to US authorities.<BR>
A new Germany-based WikiLeaks domain <BR>
wikileaks.dd19.de<<a href="http://wikileaks.dd19.de">http://wikileaks.dd19.de</a>> also<BR>
appeared on Friday morning, with its data apparently hosted in<BR>
California. People have also taken to setting up alternative domain<BR>
names that point to the WikiLeaks address. Robin Fenwick, a UK-based<BR>
web services director, this morning launched<BR>
Wikileeks.org.uk<<a href="http://Wikileeks.org.uk">http://Wikileeks.org.uk</a>> a<BR>
"joke domain" that points to the WikiLeaks DNS address.<BR>
In a statement on its website, the free everydns.net<<a href="http://everydns.net">http://everydns.net</a>><BR>
service said that<BR>
the "distributed denial of service" (DDOS) attacks by unknown hackers<BR>
who are trying to knock WikiLeaks off the net meant that the leaks<BR>
site was interfering with the service being provided to other users.<BR>
That in turn meant that WikiLeaks had broken<BR>
everydns.net<<a href="http://everydns.net>'s">http://everydns.net>'s</a> terms of<BR>
service, and it cut the site off at 3am GMT on Friday (10PM EST<BR>
DNS services translate a website name, such as<BR>
guardian.co.uk<<a href="http://guardian.co.uk">http://guardian.co.uk</a>>, into<BR>
machine-readable "IP quads" in that case, so that<BR>
<a href=""></a> will show the Guardian site. If the DNS fails, the<BR>
site is only reachable via IP address but WikiLeaks has not yet<BR>
provided one via Twitter or other means.<BR>
Everydns.net<<a href="http://Everydns.net">http://Everydns.net</a>> said that the attacks which have been<BR>
going on all<BR>
week, and led the site to temporarily host its services on Amazon's<BR>
more resilient EC2 "cloud computing" service "threaten the stability<BR>
of the EveryDNS.net<<a href="http://EveryDNS.net">http://EveryDNS.net</a>> infrastructure, which enables<BR>
to almost<BR>
500,000 other websites".<BR>
WikiLeaks was given 24 hours' notice of the termination, and everydns<BR>
said: "Any downtime of the wikileaks.org<<a href="http://wikileaks.org">http://wikileaks.org</a>> website has<BR>
resulted from its<BR>
failure to use another hosted DNS service provider."<BR>
The move comes after several days of WikiLeaks coming under a<BR>
determined DDOS attack, apparently from hackers friendly to the point<BR>
of view of the US government, which has disparaged the site's leaking<BR>
of thousands of US diplomatic cables.<BR>
US companies have also come under intense political pressure to remove<BR>
any connection to, or support for, WikiLeaks. Amazon ended its hosting<BR>
of the cables on its EC2 cloud computer service earlier this week, but<BR>
last night insisted in a blogpost that its decision was not due to<BR>
pressure from Senator Joe Lieberman, who has called for the removal of<BR>
the data and who has influenced at least one other US company to<BR>
withdraw support for WikiLeaks data.<BR>
In a blogpost late on Thursday, Amazon said reports that government<BR>
inquiries prompted it to remove the data were "inaccurate".<BR>
Amazon said:<BR>
"[Amazon Web Services] does not pre-screen its customers, but it does<BR>
have terms of service that must be followed. WikiLeaks was not<BR>
following them. There were several parts they were violating. For<BR>
example, our terms of service state that "you represent and warrant<BR>
that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the contentÅ <BR>
that use of the content you supply does not violate this policy and<BR>
will not cause injury to any person or entity". It's clear that<BR>
WikiLeaks doesn't own or otherwise control all the rights to this<BR>
classified content. Further, it is not credible that the extraordinary<BR>
volume of 250,000 classified documents that WikiLeaks is publishing<BR>
could have been carefully redacted in such a way as to ensure that<BR>
they weren't putting innocent people in jeopardy."<BR>
It noted that:<BR>
"When companies or people go about securing and storing large<BR>
quantities of data that isn't rightfully theirs, and publishing this<BR>
data without ensuring it won't injure others, it's a violation of our<BR>
terms of service, and folks need to go operate elsewhere."<BR>
But as commentators have pointed out, that stance is contradicted by<BR>
the fact that Amazon has previously hosted the "war logs" from<BR>
WikiLeaks which contained data about the US wars in Afghanistan and<BR>
Connecting to WikiLeaks is presently not possible until it gets a new<BR>
DNS service. WikiLeaks itself said on Twitter that the ending of DNS<BR>
services was allegedly due to "claimed mass attacks" and called for<BR>
further donations to "keep us strong".<BR>
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