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<font face="Verdana">Marilia, <br>
Thank you to you, Raquel, Katitza, Fouad, Alvaro and others who
supported the IGC workshop 56 at the IGF planning meeting. I now
understand that it has a Green Tag standing... meaning it is still
proceeding, but there are issues that the organizers must address for
it to be fully approved.<br>
Will the organizers please update the discussion here on the list and
address the issues so the panel can proceed? is this still a priority
for you? I assume it is, but that busy professional and private lives
have forced this issue temporarily to the background. <br>
Let us know... and anyone who is interested, please post your support
and willingness to participate.<br>
Thanks again to those who have stepped in for us.<br>
Best, Ginger<br>
On 6/29/2010 5:12 AM, Marilia Maciel wrote:
type="cite">Dear all,<br>
Workshop 56 Transnational (or transborder) enforcement from IGC is
being discussed and maybe removed<br>
Would anyone want to adress this through remote participation?<br
Standing by<br>
-- <br>
Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade<br>
FGV Direito Rio<br>
Center for Technology and Society<br>
Getulio Vargas Foundation<br>
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil<br>