<BODY bottomMargin=0 rightMargin=0 topMargin=0 marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" lefmargin="0"><P>Many thanks for this message. I will be there and may be with my deputy to ITU</P>
<P>Best regards<BR></P>
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<TD>----- Message d'origine -----</TD></TR>
<TD><B>De:</B> "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" <wolfgang.kleinwaechter@medienkomm.uni-halle.de></TD></TR>
<TD><B>Date:</B> Wed, 23 Dec 2009 10:54:03 +0100</TD></TR>
<TD><B>Sujet:</B> [governance] AW: [tt-group] FW: GAID</TD></TR>
<TD><B>À:</B> Tim Unwin <tim.unwin@rhul.ac.uk>, George Sadowsky <george.sadowsky@attglobal.net>, Michael Gurstein <gurstein@gmail.com>, tt-group@vancouvercommunity.net</TD></TR>
<TD><B>Cc:</B> governance@lists.cpsr.org</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Dear list <BR><BR>one opportunity to have a more strategic brainstorming around a reasonable Follow up of GAID could be the IGF consultations in February in Geneva. I propose to have on Wednesday, February, 10, 2010, over lunch (1315 - 1500) a meeting of people present in Geneva. We had a similar meeting last year (in the ITU Montbrillant Building) where we identified an "identity crisis of GAID" with no consequences after the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Bill and Sarbulan was online from NY. <BR><BR>Any proposal? <BR><BR>BTW I could imagine to move the "WSIS Forum", which is emerging from the annual meetings of the Actions Lines, into something which could absorb previous UNICTTF/GAID activities. My impression is that so far the "WSIS Forum" is mainly in the hand of the ITU and other IGOs, having the lead position in the Action Lines. The WSIS Forum could be further "multistakeholderised" and the responsibility to organoze the meeting - convened by the UN/ITU/UNESCO/FAO/ILO - could go to a MAG like group. Do not forget that 2010 makrs half way towards 2015m the dateline for the Geneva and Tunis Commitments. <BR><BR>Wolfgang <BR><BR>____________________________________________________________ <BR>You received this message as a subscriber on the list: <BR>governance@lists.cpsr.org <BR>To be removed from the list, send any message to: <BR>governance-unsubscribe@lists.cpsr.org <BR><BR>For all list information and functions, see: <BR>http://lists.cpsr.org/lists/info/governance <BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></BODY></html>