Hello All,<br><br>I was at the <a href="http://www.euro-ssig.eu">European Summer School of Internet Governance</a> at Meissen recently and happened to have an informal conversation with one of the faculty members who happens to be an individual who values the IGF as much as we all do.<br>
<br>Most of us in this list have contributed to a positive review of the IGF and almost all of us believe that the IGF should continue. We have given our inputs, but the process of decision making requires inputs from the CSTD of ECOSOC. <br>
<br>CSTD ( <a href="http://www.unctad.org/Templates/Page.asp?intItemID=4239&lang=1">http://www.unctad.org/Templates/Page.asp?intItemID=4239&lang=1</a> ) has to make a recommendation to the UN to renew the mandate for the IGF. So, in a sense this is an important and crucial step in the review process.<br>
<br>The CSTD is a body with representatives named by the foreign ministries of the governments. Tradionally IGF participation is from the ICT ministries of most governments. So, what is closely followed by the ICT ministries might only have been very broadly followed by the Foreign / External affairs ministries. <br>
<br>What needs to be done is to impress upon the foreign minsties / CSTD nominees of our Governments that the mandate for IGF needs to be renewed. Some of the participants of this list are well connected. Would it be possible to think of reaching out to the CSTD delegations through the Foreign Ministries with help from the ICT Ministries?<br>
<br>This is a bit of a diplomatic exercise that is necessary. <br><br>Sivasubramanian Muthusamy.<br>India.<br>Blog: <a href="http://isocmadras.blogspot.com">http://isocmadras.blogspot.com</a><br>facebook: <a href="http://is.gd/x8Sh">http://is.gd/x8Sh</a><br>
LinkedIn: <a href="http://is.gd/x8U6">http://is.gd/x8U6</a><br>Twitter: <a href="http://is.gd/x8Vz">http://is.gd/x8Vz</a><br><br><br>