<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Geneva" FAMILY="SANSSERIF" SIZE="2">Dear Wolfgang --<BR>
You (and others) seem to have a basic misunderstanding about the World Press Freedom Committee. It has both labor and management affiliates united for the defense and furtherance of press freedom. WPFC's activities are not in defense of anyone's commercial interests but for the press freedom interests of the independent print, broadcast and online press, regardless of their forms of ownership -- public, private or cooperative, but above all, independent.<BR>
Our opposition to the "Right to Communicate" has been based on its origin as a collective rather than an individual human right invented by the Soviet bloc during the Cold War. The term has continued to be used as a code word for a collectivist approach, with all the dangers that represents for press freedom as an individuakl human right. Instead, we have argued for the implementation of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If that were actually to be brought into force everywhere, there would be a true right to communicate worldwide.<BR>
Best regards, Rony Koven, European Representative, WPFC</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Geneva" FAMILY="SANSSERIF" SIZE="2"></FONT><BR><BR><BR>**************<BR>It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance.<BR> (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)</HTML>