<div>Hi Mawaki, I have my vote.</div> <div>Remmy Nweke<BR><BR><B><I>Mawaki Chango <ki_chango@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Lee,<BR>it's not at all being afraid of anything. if you read that<BR>section, ICANN is mentioned several times, but also the RIRs<BR>which are different legal entities and have their own processes.<BR>And if you push a little bit further, you may even fit in<BR>(between the lines, of course) WIPO which implements a major<BR>ICANN-related/initiated policy regarding core Internet<BR>resources. So I thought ICANN shouldn't be the tree that hides<BR>the forest.<BR><BR>Mawaki<BR><BR><BR>--- Lee McKnight <LMCKNIGH@SYR.EDU>wrote:<BR><BR>> I support the text as is, and the titles as they are - I still<BR>> don;t get why we're afraid to say 'ICANN' in public. <BR>> <BR>> Lee<BR>> <BR>> Prof. Lee W. McKnight<BR>> School of
Information Studies<BR>> Syracuse University<BR>> +1-315-443-6891office<BR>> <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = SKYPE /><SKYPE:SPAN onmouseup="javascript:skype_tb_imgOnOff(this,1,'0',false,16,'');return skype_tb_stopEvents();" class=skype_tb_injection oncontextmenu="javascript:skype_tb_SwitchDrop(this,'0','sms=1');return skype_tb_stopEvents();" onmousedown="javascript:skype_tb_imgOnOff(this,2,'0',false,16,'');return skype_tb_stopEvents();" id=softomate_highlight_0 onmouseover="javascript:skype_tb_imgOnOff(this,1,'0',false,16,'');" title="Call this phone number in United States of America with Skype: +13152784392" onclick="javascript:doRunCMD('call','0',null,0);return skype_tb_stopEvents();" onmouseout="javascript:skype_tb_imgOnOff(this,0,'0',false,16,'');" context="+1-315-278-4392"><SKYPE:SPAN class=skype_tb_imgA id=skype_tb_droppart_0 title="This is a United States of America phone number. The country code cannot be changed." style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
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<BR>> Mawaki Chango wrote:<BR>> > I support.<BR>> > I'd advise though to remove ICANN from the heading 2, but<BR>> not<BR>> > from the text. Instead of :<BR>> > <BR>> > "(2) ICANN and Core Internet Resources"<BR>> > we could have<BR>> > "(2) Core Internet Resources and current governance<BR>> > institutions"<BR>> > or a variant of that.<BR>> > <BR>> > Mawaki<BR>> > <BR>> > --- Carlos Afonso <CA@RITS.ORG.BR>wrote:<BR>> > <BR>> >> No kiss of death -- we will protest! We will not just send<BR>> the<BR>> >> proposal <BR>> >> and wait... I assume we are engaged in disseminating and<BR>> >> lobbying for <BR>> >> our positions in our constituencies (and, in some cases,<BR>> with<BR>> >> our <BR>> >> governments as well). In any case, we can negotiate a word<BR>> >> replacement <BR>> >> (meaning the same,
of course) later on in the actual<BR>> debate.<BR>> >> We can <BR>> >> replace, for example, "ICANN" with "core resources such as<BR>> the<BR>> >><BR>> >> administration/governance of names, numbers and<BR>> protocols..."<BR>> >> :)<BR>> >><BR>> >> --c.a.<BR>> >><BR>> >> DRAKE William wrote:<BR>> >>> Milton Mueller wrote:<BR>> >>><BR>> >>>> I fully agree with Carlos, both about delivering it now,<BR>> >> and about the<BR>> >>>> title. Thanks, Parminder for putting it together. <BR>> >>> Has there been a formal consensus call, and that's what<BR>> >> we're responding <BR>> >>> to here? If so what's the time frame?<BR>> >>><BR>> >>> I'm a yes on both of the above, although it occurs to me<BR>> >> that there was <BR>> >>> never any follow up
discussion on Adam's argument that<BR>> >> framing #2 in <BR>> >>> terms of ICANN rather than just core resources would be<BR>> the<BR>> >> kiss of <BR>> >>> death mAG-wise. But as the clock is running down and we<BR>> >> have no <BR>> >>> alternative language to consider, I guess we'll just see<BR>> how<BR>> >> it goes, <BR>> >>> assuming the proposal gets through the IGC process.<BR>> >>><BR>> >>> Cheers,<BR>> >>><BR>> >>> Bill<BR>> >>><BR>> ____________________________________________________________<BR>> >>> You received this message as a subscriber on the list:<BR>> >>> governance@lists.cpsr.org <BR>> >>> To be removed from the list, send any message to:<BR>> >>> governance-unsubscribe@lists.cpsr.org <BR>> >>><BR>> >>> For all list information and
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