<div>Link: <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://www.china.cn.org/" target="_blank">www.china.cn.org</a></div>
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<div>Re: communication, accessiblility, inclusion, diversity, respect, and related themes.</div>
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<div>This is a newish or at least newly discussed website getting a fair amount of publicity.</div>
<div>On signing in I noted with pleasure that it is not only multilingual but includes the invented cross-culture language of <em>Esperanto</em>. If like me you have meant to delve into <em>Esperanto</em> or other universalized, invented languages, this might be a great launch pad! Along with a to-be-explored doorway to China in many aspects. I am sending this note to lists rich in communications interests, and individuals who come to mind in terms of the *Respectful Interfaces* Coda: Achieving
<em>Dialogue</em> While Cherishing <em>Diversity</em>.</div>
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<div>Very best wishes and happy new year, LDMF</div>
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<div><font size="4">P.S. Can sign language in still photos and streaming video, and audio paralleling visual information, be far behind?</font></div>
<div>Dr. Linda D. Misek-Falkoff (law, computing, humanities)</div>
<div><font size="1">President National Disability Party; Steering Committee Member *for Coordination of Singular Organizations on Disability) ; International Disability Caucus; Founder, Persons With Pain International, accredited to the
U.N. Disabilioty Treaty Bureau. Secretary and Member of The Board, Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations; Director, *Respectful Interfaces*. Committee(s) Member, World Demoracy Movement. </font></div>