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Dear Colleague,<br><br>
In July 2005 Jacques Berleur retired as professor in Informatics at the
University of Namur (Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix). In
recognition of all he has done as professor as well as rector, the
university decided to honour him with a Conference devoted to the theme
<i><b>Information Society: Governance, Ethics and Social
Consequences</b>. </i>Given the theme of the Conference it was also
decided that it should be organised in close cooperation with IFIPs
Working Group 9.2. of which Jacques was one of the founding fathers. He
was also for a long time chair of the Working Group and chair of TC 9
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us in attending this
Conference .<br>
Attached you will find the Program of the Conference and more detailed
information about the venue and hotel facilities. If you know addresses
of people who might be interested, please contact Isabelle Daelman:
<a href="mailto:ida@info.fundp.ac.be">ida@info.fundp.ac.be</a>. You also
may contact her if you have any questions or need other
with our best regards,<br>
for the organizing committee<br>
Prof. Ph Goujon<br><br>
Philippe Goujon<br>
Institut d'Informatique-Computer Science Department<br>
Cellule Interfacultaire de Technology Assessment<br>
Rue Grandgagnage, 21- B 5000 NAMUR<br>
32+81 72 5258 - FAX 32+ 81 72 49 67<br>
<a href="http://www.fundp.ac.be/recherche/unites/fr/2990.html" eudora="autourl">http://www.fundp.ac.be/recherche/unites/fr/2990.html</a><br>
personal web page:
<a href="http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/~pgo/" eudora="autourl">http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/~pgo/</a>