<div>Dear all,</div>
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<div>Here are a few preliminary comments on what the role(s) of the MAG could be. </div>
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<div><strong>Purpose of the MAG</strong></div>
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<div>The MAG is established for this first Athens event. A new one should be put in place for next year. </div>
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<div>Its role is to help organize the Athens event in terms of substance. This could involve at least three elements :</div>
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<div>- <strong>Agenda-setting</strong> : facilitating the establishment of the final list of themes. In this context, the MAG role is less to make a final decision but to catalyze and reveal the rough consensus (cf. Avri's previous comment that rough consensus does not appear on its own but must be catalyzed). This includes, when issues are contentious, suggesting formulations that are acceptable to all parties in order to allow them to get on the Agenda
<div>- <strong>Identification of actors</strong> : help identify possible speakers and relevant organizations that should/must be involved on a given issue. This could mean launching and managing a "call for speakers" on each issue retained on the Agenda after the May meeting and a "call for identication of already involved players" in order to form the introductory panels on each issue.
<div>- <strong>Promoting inclusiveness</strong> : it is of the utmost importance that participation in the Athens meeting involves actors from developing countries and groups that were not involved directly in the WSIS process but are relevant to the issues. MAG members in that respect should play an active role in advertising the Athens Forum in other spaces (a sort of ambassadorial role :-) and identifying ways and means (including financial with the help of foundations or other supporters) to facilitate participation of such actors
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<div>In a certain way, the members of the MAG would act as "Trustees" to guarantee the embodiment of the principles of multi-stakeholderism in the first meeting of the IGF.</div>
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<div>Comments on these suggestions are of course highly welcome. I thought these elements might also be helpful for the nomcom to select people that could provide useful competences in that respect. </div>
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