A dozen or so people gathered last night here in Vancouver,<br>
at the hotel lobby lounge, and discussed for an hour or so.<br><br>
We kind of started slow with introdcution, sharing various<br>
bits of information about what is going to happen around<br>
the formation IGF and possible process for"enhanced
cooperation", <br>
and ICANN, etc.<br><br>
Close to the end of meeting and idea floated that maybe<br>
it is now to start a "multi-stakeholder Wiki" for IGF as<br>
an online platform to collect all the inputs to the formation<br>
process of IGF and the other process.<br><br>
Robert agreed to setup an intial Wiki shortly, but we need<br>
someone else to be in charge for maintenance/management.<br><br>
People there included:<br>
Avri, Jacqueline, Robert, Wolfgang<br>
Norbert Klein, Annette <font size=2>Muehlberg <br>
</font>Edmund Chung, Sebastien Bachollet, Mike Nelson<br>
and some others I could not remember (sorry).<br><br>
Wolfgang reminded that the part of the success of WGIG<br>
process in terms of CS participation was that CS/PS people<br>
started early to throw various good ideas into its formation<br>
process so that by the time governments got involved quite<br>
a good preparation were going on. Avri explained her idea<br>
about the new WG on modality from CS. <br>
I suggested that this Wiki be by/for MSH, not CS, so that<br>
it will ensure good involvement of CS. And Robert agreed<br>
to volunteer.<br><br>
izumi heading off to the airport soon</body>