[governance] BRICS

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at riseup.net
Mon Jul 13 14:51:27 EDT 2015

Am 13/07/2015 um 13:31 schrieb Mawaki Chango:
> Yes, being hung up on the "equal footing" as an end in itself may also be
> kind of ideological. That governments want equal footing among themselves
> when they come together to address a set of issues (or when they are all
> legitimately concerned by such issues) is largely understandable, as they
> are formally similar organizations/entities.
> In the context of a global multistakeholderism, particularly in relation to
> public policy, what is most important for other stakeholders of a different
> form such as CS is to make sure their views and contributions are taken
> seriously, given due consideration and factored into the decision making
> process. Now, I'm sure there are various ways to achieve this depending on
> the setting and ultimately who can sway the decisions to be made, from the
> hard to the soft end of the arrangements spectrum (to use Wolfgang's
> terminology in this setting), even when CS* is not sitting directly at the
> table. It's just a practice that needs to be established, enshrined (and
> WSIS itself has enabled that in a typically intergovernmental process -- a
> summit); we may just need to be a little more imaginative about it going
> forward.

Dear Mawaki,

i am sure. that you know, what you write. But why you construct such 
antagonism between your 1. and 2. paragraph? The "power" groups like 
governments and privat enterprises never like to have an overview about 
the basic needs for the different "stakeholder" groups. And you know it. 
And in the Netmundial declaration we can see it, that all this different 
positions are lost.

We should not make an illusion about the working intentions. We have to 
understand the interests, the existential basis, the root of her 
activities. Then we understand all this theater.

many greetings, willi
Fortaleza, Brasil

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