
michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 20:01:53 EST 2012



And I think the just released statement by the US delegation to WCIT
cipatory-internet>  begins some significant movement in the direction of
those processes. 


Now how to capitalize on this and its general support for the "Best Bits
statement <http://bestbits.igf-online.net/statement/> " (which includes that
"Fundamental to the framing of public policy (for the Internet) must be the
pursuit of the public interest and fundamental human rights..."); perhaps
starting by revisiting the OECD Internet policy principles
<http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/40/21/48289796.pdf>  to resolve the areas of
CS concern which led to CS not signing onto the final OECD document
<http://csisac.org/CSISAC_PR_06292011.pdf> ; and also beginning a process of
becoming more globally inclusive in this development (as for example using
the IRP statement of Internet Rights  <http://irpcharter.org/campaign/> &
Principles which have a strong anchor in Human Rights/the UDHRD as a
conceptual/normative foundation).


Beginning with the above but then initiating a much broader and more
inclusive global norm-setting process as for example, through a reformed and
much more inclusive IGF (designed to be something other than a place to swap
business cards and chat) or towards an update of the WSIS declaration in
light of what has transpired in the last ten years or so.




From: John Curran [mailto:jcurran at istaff.org] 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 2:15 PM
To: michael gurstein
Cc: governance at lists.igcaucus.org
Subject: Re: [governance]


On Nov 30, 2012, at 12:26 PM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:


That challenge is to find a way that we all globally, can allow the Internet
to fulfill the possibilities for all of us that it presents (and in ways
that are meaningful to all of us in our global diversity) -- and that means
finding a way to reconcile sometimes extremely divergent interests and
perspectives concerning for example, what issues are important/necessary to
resolve and where they can be resolved and who/how should be involved in
resolving them.




The challenge is that the Internet is truly a global system, and we lack
good mechanisms

for development of true agreement on public policy issues when applied to a
global scope.

There are some feedback loops which operate reasonable well in the context
of a single 

country. (For example, the response of consumers, and civil society on their
behalf, to 

"bad" decisions by businesses with respect to privacy results in lots of
attention, and

sometimes even results changes to the errant business practices.)


In an ideal world, there would be a way to encourage productive discussion
of the various

public policy principles that should be applicable to Internet
communications on a global

scope, and such discussions would multistakeholder in nature, open in
participation, and 

transparent in the processes used to reach outcomes (there is a little bit
of a challenge in 

accomplishing such, since making the final determinations of what is
appropriate public 

policy is one of areas that has been considered the realm of governments,
and yet we are

collectively unsure if that model continues to work in our new highly
connected world)


If we could produce clear statements of public policy principles, and the
statements were 

made known to existing Internet governance institutions, then they would
quite likely be 

considered in development of the various technical standards and policies
that we need 

to keep the Internet running.  Likewise, if folks working on such standards
and policies 

took significant measures to keep governments and civil society aware of the

developments, it would help in avoiding conflicts between Internet practices
and the 

globally accepted principles in any given public policy area.




p.s.  Disclaimers apply.  My views alone.  Use of this email may trigger
visions and/or

produce delusions, paranoia, and schizophrenia-like symptoms.  Use sparingly

seek appropriate medical treatment as needed.



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