[governance] G 8

"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de
Sun May 20 06:41:21 EDT 2012

No Internet Discussion in Camp David at the G 8 meeting. 
In 2011 the  G 8 did spend a lot of time to discuss Internet Governance as it was reflected in the "Deauville Declaration" which agreed "for the first time on the leaders level" on a number of principles, including the multistakeholder approach. 
Here is the Internet Governance text from 2011 (which included enhanced cooperation): 
" As we support the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance, we call upon all stakeholders to contribute to enhanced cooperation within and between all international fora dealing with the governance of the Internet. In this regard, flexibility and transparency have to be maintained in order to adapt to the fast pace of technological and business developments and uses. Governments have a key role to play in this model."
Did somebody refer to this para. in the rercent UNCSTD EC Consultations? 
Anyway, in 2012, the G 8 had "no time" to contintue the discussion. They just picked one point: IPR. 
Here is the relevant text from the Camp David Final Declaration (May 19 2012)
"9- Given the importance of intellectual property rights (IPR) to stimulating job and economic growth, we affirm the significance of high standards for IPR protection and enforcement, including through international legal instruments and mutual assistance agreements, as well as through government procurement processes, private-sector voluntary codes of best practices, and enhanced customs cooperation, while promoting the free flow of information. To protect public health and consumer safety, we also commit to exchange information on rogue internet pharmacy sites in accordance with national law and share best practices on combating counterfeit medical products."

If you wish to compare with last years statement, here is the text from 2011:
15. With regard to the protection of intellectual property, in particular copyright, trademarks, trade secrets and patents, we recognize the need to have national laws and frameworks for improved enforcement. We are thus renewing our commitment to ensuring effective action against violations of intellectual property rights in the digital arena, including action that addresses present and future infringements. We recognize that the effective implementation of intellectual property rules requires suitable international cooperation of relevant stakeholders, including with the private sector. We are committed to identifying ways of facilitating greater access and openness to knowledge, education and culture, including by encouraging continued innovation in legal on line trade in goods and content, that are respectful of intellectual property rights. 
If you try to "play with words", here are some observations:
1. new is "private sector voluntary codes of best practices" ;
2. instead of "facilitating greater access and openess" the 2012 document speaks in favour of "promoting the free flow of information";
3. the 2011 language " effective action against violations of IPR in the digital arena, including actions that address present and future infringements" is not repeated in 2012.

Von: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org im Auftrag von Jeremy Malcolm
Gesendet: So 20.05.2012 09:54
An: Guru ????
Cc: governance at lists.igcaucus.org
Betreff: Re: [governance] Re: reality check on economics

On 20 May, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Guru ???? <Guru at ITforChange.net> wrote:

	I wonder how Consumers International will view the take that increasingly for the big Internet companies like Google and Facebook, 'we'  (eyeballs) are the product, and the advertising agencies are the real consumers!

Yes, hence the maxim, "If you didn't pay for the product, you are the product."

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