[governance] MAG meeting, Day 2, morning

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Thu May 17 08:31:38 EDT 2012

Here again is my crude memo.

Day 2 of MAG
May 17



Document the discussion
template for WG

call on each WG report

Access and Diversity
Judy Okite, co-co with Aysha Hassan
Block and Filtering – imcomplete – rejected
191 – influence of politics – flag

Security, Openness, Privacy
Green – ready to be approved
Yellow –
A few not well

Emerging Issues
Izumi reported the result of the Workshop Selection –
5 provisionary drop, but all others need improvement for implications

Thomas Spiller, reporting Main Session idea
- Framing the question
- Disaster recovery – discrete part
- Discussion on Key issues
- Wrap-up


Paul Wilson
Made the process proposal,

Support Paul’s proposal
 welcome the combining some workshops
 but one question – can we give two slots for these combined ones?
There are some good proposals with already many speakers

we can combine the slots


Robert Guerra
by mid July, identify the names

Developmental Track 0 welcome
 prepare material well in advance,
 well design with Remote Participation

Chengetai – summarizing the suggestions
Secretariat – received comments on Workshops, will send them to
organizers, ask them to edit
WS Organizers to make agenda, recommend each panelist should register
as resource persons, as suggested by Paul
as in previous IGF, we had a little book of all speakers, hope to local host

First question – deadline – when these updates should be made?
June 30?  - same resource persons

Second deadline – provide agenda -

Agenda deadline – first week of September

Adam Peake
Open Forums, Dynamic Coalitions, National/Regional WS
 to be finalized in same timeline?

Printing – before September-, July 30

Email sent out to WS organizers, detailing what they need to fix to be
accepted, with deadlines – to produce the Agenda

Working Groups continue online –
Deadline for Main Session – organize, be same as others – June 30
two weeks later

 flexibility – mid-September OK

Mark Cabell

Izumi Aizu
New tools for Main Session

Paul (not Wilson)
diversity of geographic regions -
  from Central Asia and Arab
 proposals are not encouraging
what kind of support be given to them?


ICC and ISCO provides some support
we have resource persons list

need information by end of July

Capacity Building Stream at IGF in Baku
mark the color
bottom-up exercise

made presentation on Internet Governance Community
 online course for developing countries capacity building

raised quite a few questions
most CS members, Bill Drake, Wolfgang, myself, are note quite
convinced yet, and asked for further information
Wolfgang proposed in the end to hold an Open Forum in Baku to disucss
this further.

Peter Major
Briefing on CSTD WG on Improvement to the IGF recommendations

explaining the slide presentation, to be published from their website,
summarizing the Report, already there at their site


It was multi-stakeholder, disconnected from Enhanced Cooperation
mutual trust and team work
agreed main topics
39 recommendations

No explicit provisions
we have to wait the CSTD and Ecosoc, GA endorsement,
Proactive reflections on tasks
MAG may setup Correspondence Groups
 with exception of funding, we may setup around these Main Topics

Share oints sites for each topic
Moderator/Chair for each topic
 on how to implement

 multi-stakeholder approach –mutual trust
 Decoupled from Enhanced cooperation
 Results –within mandate, to near changes for some
Critical changes in the Internet world not reflected
IGF in the forefront of public policy, but
  no leadership, no money
 CST 15 session
 may be too much, limitation to be clarified in the resolution

There were some questions around CSTD WG.

Then the Chair suggested to finish Remote Participation as the only remaining
agenda before lunch, close the meeting and no afternoon session.

Several, including myself, proposed to continue the discussion into
the afternoon,
one, 15 min or less is not enough for Remote participation, and two, it is not
fair to those who came to Geneva with much resources and not work until
end, combined that some members are outside the room and may plan to come
back in the afternoon, so if they find the session is fininshed
without prior notice
that is not good.

Paul suggested to hold the meeting from 2 to 3 pm.

Chair agreed, and we went to lunch.


-------------- next part --------------
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