R: [governance] 8.9 earthquake in Japan

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Tue Mar 15 22:05:25 EDT 2011

Thanks all who are supporting us.

There have been some media coverage how people outside
Japan are concerned, supporting, and encouraging us.

There are healthy criticisms also inside and outside Japan about
the way the government, ruling party, power company and others
in charge are handling the situation. I think most of them are valid.

My gut feel however, at least inside Japan, is that we better do something
we can do before making noise about others. I have a lot to say about
"them", yes, but that is of second priority for me.

There are people, especially those who are hit directly by the earthquake,
Tsunami, and also nuclear station failure, who are seriously affected.
There are people like us, had minor trouble, being exposed to unknown
social instability, power shortage, food and gas supply problems, etc.
There are a lot of people now working to provide relief and reconstruction
works. And also people trying to contribute to help and relief works.

I am trying to figure out how best I can do. So far, I am trying to organize
a small group of people, to make some informal coordination around
ICT related areas. I am also starting to think, given much support from
friends here and elsewhere from outside Japan, to share the relevant
information to the international community, so that we all can sync,
informal, but effective ways.

Any advice and suggestions are much appreciated.


2011/3/16 JFC Morfin <jefsey at jefsey.com>:
> At 00:55 15/03/2011, Izumi AIZU wrote:

> Please know that the world is impressed by the Japanese people attitude. We
> understand you feel you are under-informed, but a panic is so quickly
> started and the Internet is here. Also, there is no criticism of the Power
> company, but a great attention to what they do because the entire world
> learns about the issue at the same time.  We are in France particularly
> concerned since 90% of our electrical power comes from atomic plants. We
> also are very impressed by the way large buildings resisted to an 9
> earthquake and by the strength of the Tsunami. The entire world feels
> concerned and the believers pray for you folks. And obviously everyone fears
> about new possible quakes.
> Be sure that you, Japanese, have all our respect and admiration as well as
> our sorrows.
> jfc
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