On NN workshop RE: Re: [governance] Three IGC workshops ) NN FYI DIPLO

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Tue Apr 26 09:47:37 EDT 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> Does it matter why they are blocking VoIP; the fact that they are, is
> what causes the lack of neutrality.

Yes, it matters.  What causes the lack of neutrality is the discrimination, not the blocking per se. If you institute an application neutral program that blocks malware or harmful effects it is different than blocking an application simply because you want to coerce your users into using a particular vendor's voice service. 

> And it's not being blocked because of the "origin or owner of the
> service", but simply because it is voice (over IP).

Incorrect. I guess I am not making my point, somehow. As I said, NO ONE blocks VoIP simply because it is VoIP, or at least no one I have ever heard of. They block it because it is a service that competes with another service they profit from. Give me a specific, real-world counter example or concede the point. 

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