[governance] Net neutrality on mobiles

Roland Perry roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Tue Aug 10 16:45:26 EDT 2010

In message <4C617968.4040509 at itforchange.net>, at 21:38:08 on Tue, 10 
Aug 2010, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> writes
>>> Perhaps Google-Verizon is just the first deal that goes public.
>> The 0.facebook deal mentioned on this list earlier in the week seems 
>>to predate it. But like others, I'm puzzled why paying to get your 
>>content delivered more efficiently is such a surprise - Akamai have 
>>offered this for a decade, and it's the reason why pure content 
>>providers are members of out-of-state[1] IXPs, which they have 
>>achieved despite, in the distant past, some hard-liners saying the 
>>benefits should be restricted to reseller connectivity ISPs (and not 
>>direct to end sites).
>> [1] State meaning their home country.
>Roland, You are basically saying that you are completely puzzled about 
>what could possibly be bothering all those who have been writing 
>articles and blogs on this issue in the last two days. You think they 
>simple have no point at all, whether you agree with them or not, and 
>are simply confused?

I think many of them are in denial that ISPs in some markets have been 
treating traffic differently for a very long time, but mainly they don't 
seem to appreciate the multifarious ways that content delivery is done 
by shortcuts (or via the back door, ie private networks most of the way) 
and hasn't been predominantly end-to-end on the public Internet for ten 
Roland Perry
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