[governance] Results of charter amendment vote

Paul Lehto lehto.paul at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 16:12:46 EDT 2009

I'd be happy to draft a charter amendment if one were desired, but
without the stipulation that the principles of reason and construction
of language apply with force, literally anything I would draft, no
matter how clear, would be a waste of time and utterly ineffective in
binding the freedom of administrators (the point of such election

Also, in this specific case, no further rules are needed in the
charter to resolve the question, because the 2/3 rule implies that the
2/3 must exist in a normal election day time period and not over a
week, month, or year.

If the above case is not sufficiently clear in its prohibition of
extensions for purposes or effect of meeting the 2/3 rule, then no
amount of drafting, no matter how precise, will be sufficient to tie
the hands of any person of even average intelligence who is committed
to getting around the words and told he's got the "leeway" to do so.
And I consider all here quite above average in intelligence.

So, on another subject, I'd be happy to draft an amendment, but on
this one it's hopeless.
On 9/29/09, McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Avri Doria <avri at acm.org> wrote:
> I believe this vote has been so run and believe there is no applicable law
>> that negates the actions
>> taken by the coordinators.  In my opinion, they have behaved within the
>> limits of the charter.
> +1
> If there was no appeal made within the 72 hours, the issue is moot.
> Paul, please write a charter amendment if you feel that voting rules need to
> be further specified.
> --
> Cheers,
> McTim
> "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route
> indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

Paul R Lehto, J.D.
P.O. Box #1
Ishpeming, MI  49849
lehto.paul at gmail.com
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