[governance] NOMCOM - MAG nominations

Bret Fausett bfausett at internet.law.pro
Sun Mar 23 19:35:39 EDT 2008

This is the way it worked last time, and it's my expectation that it  
will work this way again. If you volunteer for NomComm and are  
selected for NomComm, you are not eligible for NomComm appointed  
positions. If you are not selected, you will be eligible.


On Mar 23, 2008, at 12:19 AM, Adam Peake wrote:
> I understand that if selected I wouldn't be eligible for the list  
> being chosen. But should that happen I would not withdraw my name  
> from consideration by the SG as either through self-nomination or if  
> recommended by some CS group. I hope members of the appeals teams  
> would also not be subject to any restriction.

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