[governance] IGC nominees for MAG

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Tue Mar 18 12:09:50 EDT 2008

if you think what I'm trying to suggest is top down then I'm not 
explaining myself very well.

Anyway, Carlos is proposing --actually organizing and doing-- a much 
more principled approach. Trying to be strategic in a process no one 
understands probably isn't smart. (and as one potential nomcom member 
is perhaps threatening me... I'd best shut up :-)

I agree, let a nomcom make recommendations. And the caucus should 
make sure other interested groups know about the process and have the 
opportunity to either participate in what we're doing or submit names 


>Milton L Mueller ha scritto:
>>You can tell from the above that I do not agree with Adam's position
>>Adam Peake:
>>>The five members of the MAG the caucus nomcom recommended in 2006 
>>>be included on any list of candidates with a note to say the 
>>>caucus would support their continued membership of the MAG should 
>>>the SG find they continue to enhance the balance of the group. The 
>>>five (unless anyone drops out) are included in any candidate list.
>>Indeed, I find it difficult to think of any justification for this rule.
>>As I said, this list is nothing more than advice on who to throw out and
>>who could be added. So creating a rule that forces us to support all
>>current members eliminates half of our our ability to give advice. It
>>also completely eviscerates any pressure we are able to place on
>>existing MAG members who allegedly represent us. This is absurd.
>Actually, I think that this "double track" would end up this way: 
>you have a big and interesting discussion from the bottom about who 
>could do this job well, then you put a lot of effort in coming to 
>consensus on a couple of names, but then you discover that these two 
>names are just to be added on a slate of five others that were 
>already preselected from the top, and did not have to go through any 
>kind of public scrutiny.
>Where did I already see this model? I think it was in ICANN's At 
>Large elections in 2000, and at that time I'm quite sure that some 
>of the people who now advocate this idea were challenging it on the 
>basis of its top-down nature :)
>My feeling is that many, possibly most, of the current MAG members 
>should and will be confirmed anyway, whatever process we pick. So 
>why pick one that will leave to any loser the sense of not having 
>been playing on a level field? How helpful can that be to the future 
>credibility of the MAG and of the IGF in general?
>Anyway, I volunteer for the Nomcom.
>vb.                   Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu   <--------
>-------->  finally with a new website at http://bertola.eu/  <--------
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