[governance] the latest news/information on the IGF

David Goldstein goldstein_david at yahoo.com.au
Sun Oct 29 00:08:57 EDT 2006

Hi all

Below is the latest news and information I've collected on the IGF for my mailing list, some of which also appears on my website. I'll be keeping my website up-to-date with the latest on the IGF as it happens - http://technewsreview.com.au/. For a more comprehensive coverage twice a week, you can subscribe to my mailing list for free - see http://internews.tv/mailman/listinfo/internetnews_internews.tv


Dr. Peng Hwa Ang Speaks on "Who's Really Out To Control the Internet?"
Dr. Peng Hwa Ang (Nanyang Technological University) gave a lecture titled “Who’s Really Out To Control the Internet? UN and U.S.A. Internet Governance” at Hamilton on Oct. 26. Dr. Ang is the dean of the School of Communication and Information at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, as well as one of 40 persons appointed by Secretary-General Kofi Annan to a UN Working Group on Internet Governance in 2004. He spoke about the current international efforts to create a multilateral, transparent, and democratic method for Internet governance, as well as why it is in the United States’ best interest to relinquish some control over the Internet.

U.N. summit revives concerns about Net control
A long-simmering dispute over whether the U.S. government has too much control over the Internet's underpinnings will heat up again next week at a United Nations summit in Greece.

Should ICANN Become Autonomous? (AP)
An international dispute over U.S. control of the internet appears unlikely to be resolved even as state envoys, regulators and technology experts convene next week to discuss the network's future.

"Call to Bloggers" to stand up for freedom ahead of world meeting on future of Internet (news release)
Amnesty International today issued a ‘Call to Bloggers’, asking them to get online and stand up for freedom of expression on the internet. The organisation says this is a critical time when fundamental rights – particularly freedom of expression and privacy – are under threat from governments that want to control what their citizens say, and what information they can access.

The Road to Rio and Beyond: Results-based Management of the UN Internet Governance Forum
This paper (pdf) argues that the road to the 2007 meeting of the Internet Governance Forum in Rio de Janeiro and beyond must be paved with effective management practices. Results-based management principles employed elsewhere in reform of United Nations agency practices provide that base.

Whose information society? Developing country and civil society voices in the World Summit on the Information Society by David Souter
This paper summarises a study of developing country and civil society participation and influence in WSIS that was commissioned by the Association for Progressive Communications. As well as analysing participation, the study looked at the impact of WSIS on international ICT decision-making in general and makes recommendations to all main actors about how future decision-making might become more inclusive of developing countries, nongovernmental actors and their concerns.

Everyone talks, but no-one listens
The net's great and the good are meeting in Athens, but Bill Thompson doubts that they will achieve much.

Google defiant over censorship in China
Google is to enter the political arena in earnest this week when it debates freedom of speech, intellectual property rights and how to connect Africa to the internet at a special UN conference.

Reporters Without Borders will go to IGF venue in Athens to put free expression on agenda (news release)
Reporters Without Borders will be at the Internet Governance Forum in Athens to remind participants that free expression must be at the centre of any model of Internet governance, and to reiterate its positions on Internet neutrality and the need for Internet companies to behave ethically.

Council of Europe participation in UN Internet Governance Forum
The Council of Europe will participate in the UN facilitated Internet Governance Forum, to be held in Athens from 30 October to 2 November 2006. The IGF will focus on four main themes -openness, diversity, security and access of the Internet – which the Council of Europe will address in light of its core values pertaining to human rights, democracy and rule of law. For more on the CoE's participation in the IGF, see:

ICANN agreement paves way for DNS transition (news release)
ISOC welcomes the agreement announced between the United States Department of Commerce and ICANN. The agreement ensures continued stability of the Internet by setting the foundation for an orderly transition of the Domain Name System (DNS) to the private sector. It also demonstrates clear support for ICANN and the role it plays in coordinating those activities related to the Internet's system of unique identifiers.

If the Internet ain't broke, do not try to fix it
While the US wants to release the agency charged with managing the World Wide Web from federal oversight, the UN wants to bury it under layers of bureaucracy

Consensus Polling: ALAC Shows the Way
ICANN is about to make the jump from “merely excavating” to efficiently mining top-quality jewels. I say this because ICANN’s ALAC has reached unanimous consensus on their internal Self Review. As the New Zealand meeting drew to a close, a weary ALAC was ready to give up on creating a consensus Self Review. The familiar ICANN collaborative process of emailing Word attachments had “excavated” ALAC into the also familiar ICANN mire of “deeply divided over competing versions.” 

Neue Anläufe zur Debatte um die DNS-Aufsicht vor dem Internet Governance Forum
Der freie Informationsfluss im Netz, Sicherheit, Bestrebungen zur Internationalisierung und das große Thema freier Zugang – das sind die vier Themen, die beim bevorstehenden ersten Internet Governance Forum (IGF) der UN diskutiert werden sollen, das vom 30. Oktober bis zum 2. November in Athen stattfindet.

L’UNESCO abordera le risque de fragmentation d’Internet et le respect de la liberté d’expression au Forum sur la gouvernance d’Internet
Comment empêcher la fragmentation d’Internet, comment garantir la libre circulation des informations dans le cyberespace et le respect du droit à la liberté d’expression ? Ces questions essentielles seront abordées à la première réunion du Forum sur la gouvernance d’Internet qui se tiendra à Athènes du 31 octobre au 2 novembre 2006.

Le contrôle américain du Web dérange toujours (AFP)
L'épineuse question du contrôle des États-Unis sur l'Internet devrait revenir de manière lancinante pendant le Forum mondial sur le gouvernance de l'Internet (FGI), qui s'ouvre lundi à Athènes, après avoir été il y a un an au centre du Sommet sur l'information de Tunis.

La política de control de EEUU volverá a marcar el foro mundial de internet (AFP)
La espinosa cuestión del control de Estados Unidos sobre internet saldrá de nuevo a relucir durante el Foro de Gobernanza de Internet (FGI) que se inaugurará el lunes en Atenas, tras haber sido la estrella hace un año en la Cumbre sobre la Información de Túnez.

ONU: Reunión del Foro para el Gobierno de Internet no debatirá sobre control de la red
La primera reunión del Foro para el Gobierno de Internet (FGI) de Naciones Unidas, que tendrá lugar la semana próxima en Atenas, versará sobre la seguridad, diversidad lingüística y accesibilidad de la red, sin incluir en su orden del día sesión alguna sobre el futuro del gobierno de internet

Story in Greek on IGF
David Goldstein
 address: 4/3 Abbott Street
           COOGEE NSW 2034
 email: Goldstein_David @yahoo.com.au
 phone: +61 418 228 605 (mobile); +61 2 9665 5773 (home)
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