[governance] A process suggestion for IGF nominations

Vittorio Bertola vb at bertola.eu.org
Wed Mar 22 09:59:18 EST 2006

William Drake ha scritto:
> So if someone who works in the private sector submits their name and nobody
> feels emboldened to ridicule them, they then become representatives of civil
> society, a term normally used to refer to those in the nonprofit sector?

I think it's hard to apply strict rules. There's plenty of people on 
this list (including myself) whose only paid job is as an engineer for a 
private company; does that disqualify them as civil society?

Actually, I think that it is an added value to also have in the CS 
contingent some people who don't do CS representation for a living, and 
don't work for NGOs or universities; I've always thought that my private 
sector bit as a co-founder of a small ICT company, as well as my 
governmental bit due to interactions with the national delegation, or my 
"technical community" bit due to my engineering background, only add to 
my capacity of understanding all sides of an issue, and proposing 
something that makes sense when asked. I wouldn't consider them 
detrimental unless I start to use my CS activities to push other 
interests, in which case I think I would very quickly make myself 
ridiculous and be marginalized almost immediately.

So I think that Avri's "giggle test" tends to work best.

> This strikes me as setting the bar a little too high.  While there are 300
> people on the list, the vast majority probably don't consider themselves to
> be in the caucus.  Getting quickly to 25 might be difficult.

I agree, perhaps, realistically, we should consider ourselves lucky if 
we get 10.

> These items notwithstanding, I too support the approach you've outlined.

Me too :)
vb.             [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<-----
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