<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body dir="auto"><div>Jeremy,</div><div>Count me in for the preparatory event and to help organize it. With whom are you talking to at IDEC? Veridiana?</div><div>I can also find free spaces to host our meeting in São Paulo.</div><div>Carol <br><br>Sent from my iPhone</div><div><br>On Dec 14, 2013, at 1:36 AM, Jeremy Malcolm <<a href="mailto:jeremy@ciroap.org">jeremy@ciroap.org</a>> wrote:<br><br></div><blockquote type="cite"><div><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html charset=utf-8"><div>To follow up on Brett's message, just to let everyone know that we a placeholder "Best Bits" session has been submitted for RightsCon, though the original idea of using it to finalise inputs for the Brazil meeting won't work out - because the deadline for those inputs is slightly too soon. So, we need to find another theme for the meeting. Since many of the US groups at RightsCon will be new to the international Internet governance debates (except for maybe ICANN and WCIT), a couple of us considered that it might be worthwhile to structure a session around more closely integrating US based civil society into our community (which was one of my original aims for Best Bits).</div><div><br></div><div>Anyway, who is interested in sharing ideas (either these or other ideas) and developing the session further? Deborah has offered to manage a workflow for the session, if we are all happy for her to do that. What do you all think?<br><br>Also, separately to RightsCon, I should flag early that I have the opportunity to arrange a Best Bits pre-meeting in SÄo Paulo immediately prior to the Brazil meeting, which would be hosted by IDEC, the largest Brazilian consumer group. Of course at this stage, we don't know who will be attending the Brazil meeting, so plans are at an early stage. But if anyone is interested in hearing or discussing more about that, you can also get in touch (perhaps off-list for now, until plans and funding are firmer).</div><br><div><div>On 6 Dec 2013, at 11:40 pm, Brett Solomon <<a href="mailto:brett@accessnow.org">brett@accessnow.org</a>> wrote:</div><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"><blockquote type="cite"><div dir="ltr">Dear friends,<br><br>As you may know, <a href="http://rightscon.org/">RightsCon Silicon Valley</a> is taking place March 3-5 in San Francisco at Mission Bay Conference Center. This is an opportunity for different communities to come together - global activists, companies, thinkers, investors, engineers and government officials - to discuss the tensions and opportunities at the intersection of human rights and the internet.<br>
<br>RightsCon Silicon Valley has a particular focus on technology companies and aims to create a space for multistakeholder dialogue on human rights best practices and learnings in the context of the private sector. The event also takes place 7 weeks before the Brazil meeting and as I mentioned could be used as a venue to discuss strategy and plans for April.<br>
<br>The program is open to submissions, and we're looking to a range of networks, including the Bestbits community to help shape the agenda. Here is the link to <a href="https://www.rightscon.org/submit-a-session/why/">propose a session</a>. <br>
<br>The deadline for submission is December 20th. If you have questions, check out the website at <a href="http://rightscon.org/">rightscon.org,</a> or email Rian Wanstreet at <a href="mailto:rian@accessnow.org">rian@accessnow.org</a>, or we can chat more on this list. <br>
<br>For those of you who have participated in RightsCon in the past, we look forward to seeing you again.<br><br>Enjoy your weekends!<br><br>Brett<br><br><b>Speakers to date include: </b>Rebecca MacKinnon (Ranking Digital
Rights); Alaa Abd El Fattah (one of Egypt's most respected activists and
software engineers (currently detained)); Jim Cowie (CTO, Renesys);
John Donahoe (President & CEO, eBay); Moez Chakchouk (Founder of
Tunisia's IXP and 404Labs); Brad Burnham (Union Square Ventures); Colin
Crowell (Head of Global Public Policy, Twitter); Michael Posner (NYU
Professor of Business and Society); Eileen Donahoe (former U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Council); Jillian York (Director
for International Freedom of Expression, EFF); ; Richard Stallman
(Founder GNU Project and Free Software Foundation); David Gorodyansky
(CEO & Founder, AnchorFree); Mitchell Baker (Chairperson, Mozilla
Corporation) and many more. <br><br><br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr">Brett Solomon<br>Executive Director | Access<br><a href="http://accessnow.org/" target="_blank">accessnow.org</a> <br>+1 917 969 6077 | skype: brettsolomon | @accessnow<br>
Key ID: 0x312B641A<i><br></i><br><br></div></div>
____________________________________________________________<br>You received this message as a subscriber on the list:<br> <a href="mailto:bestbits@lists.bestbits.net">bestbits@lists.bestbits.net</a>.<br>To unsubscribe or change your settings, visit:<br> <a href="http://lists.bestbits.net/wws/info/bestbits">http://lists.bestbits.net/wws/info/bestbits</a></blockquote></div><br><div apple-content-edited="true">
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